Welcome; Edition 212 Out Now!

Welcome to edition 212. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and that the Easter Bunny came to you all. I was lucky to have all my children, my parents, and my sister stay for the break with us over the Easter period. We all ate way too much seafood and chocolate, but we had a wonderful time doing so!

We also watched some of the Stawell Gift footraces, which I am embarrassed to admit; for the first time, I realised that there was a handicap for the races, not unlike horse racing. I know I will probably receive a bit of flack about this, but I don’t understand why they make a faster runner or horse be placed further back in the field or, in the case of horses, weighted. This, to me, is totally unfair. Why should you be penalised for being faster than other participants?

If you are all running the same race over the same distance, everybody, including horses, should be equal and not held back because they are faster than the other competitors. After all, isn’t that the whole point of a race? To be the fastest? Some may put in more training time and effort, and then to be given a handicap does not seem right. It’s like giving every kid a ribbon for participating so they don’t cry. Where is the incentive to get better? To train to be the best? To me, if I won a race against someone who had been handicapped in the same race, I would not consider myself to truly be the winner. I would have only won because someone else was disadvantaged. The winner should be the fastest!

Anyway, let me know your thoughts on the matter,

Take Care..stay safe



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