Bribie Island Orchid Society holds show

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander


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Tags: Bribie Island orchid club. Group. Brisbane. Queensland


When I spoke to Bribie Island Orchid Society Secretary Teresa Watson about the upcoming “Spring Orchid and Foliage” show recently, she told me that there are more varieties of orchid than there are of any other plant species known to man and I would reckon that a great percentage of those varieties could be found growing at the homes of the more than 140 members of the society. Founded thirty-one years ago the society has many very keen growing members and these include Zelda Holmes who has bred an orchid which has the registered name of The Zelda Star.

‘We also have two qualified judges and three other members who are training to become qualified judges,’ said society President Paul Thomas. ‘Judging orchids is quite a complicated process and even involves measuring certain parts of the plant with a micrometer,’ he added. The annual show has been held in the Orchid House on First Avenue at Bongaree for the previous eight years and in other locations before then and has always attracted the attention of orchid growers from far and wide.

From what both Teresa and Paul have said, this year’s event will be even bigger and better and those who attend will not be disappointed. As well as numerous displays of beautiful orchids, there will be plant sales, a cake and craft stall, a potting demonstration and a sausage sizzle.

Teresa mentioned that Mitre Ten have generously donated a wheelbarrow which is filled with gardening goodies to be raffled during the two-day show. ‘The only way for people to get a ticket in that raffle is for them to come along to the show,’ said Teresa. ‘We will also be selling tickets in another raffle which has a $150 Woolworths voucher and an orchid as first prize and a $50 Woolworths voucher and an orchid as second prize. These will be sold at a number of locations around the island prior to the event,’ she explained.

orchid society club group bribie island brisbane

An example of Teresa Watson’s orchid growing skills

The Bribie Island Orchid Society “Spring Orchid and Foliage” Show will be held in the Orchid House and the Indoor Bowls Hall on October 12th from 8.30 am to 4 pm and on October 13th from 8.30 am until 3 pm. The premises is wheelchair friendly and groups of ten or more will receive a discount on the admission price. The society is always ready to welcome new members or anyone who just wants to come along to a meeting or two for the chance to find out what goes on.

For more information about the show or the society itself, those interested should log onto the website which is or give Teresa a call on 0407 782 290.

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