First Aid Training


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Did you know that in Australia, more than 500 people sustain cardiac arrest outside the hospital environment every week? (Heart Safe Australia statistic). Would you be prepared and confident to offer First Aid? Early First Aid, early 000 call, early CPR and Defibrillation are vital to increasing the chances of survival. The Australian Industry & Skills Committee defines First Aid as the immediate treatment or care provided to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more advanced care is given, or the person recovers.

Thousands of people complete First Aid training every year, whether it be for personal development, a desire to be able to help family members in an emergency, or to meet job role specifications or Work Health & Safety (WHS) requirements for employment or volunteer work. Whatever the reason, the greater the number of people who know First Aid, the greater the chance of assistance when needed. AISC advises that the application of First Aid can reduce and/or prevent hospitalisation, requirement for treatment/s and potential long-term health implications.

CPR AT WORK is a newly established First Aid Training Provider in the Moreton Bay area, delivering training for INSCOPE Training (RTO 40926) in all Moreton Bay locations. Training is provided by Jude, who is an experienced, knowledgeable and engaging trainer. Public Courses are currently offered monthly at Beachmere and CPR AT WORK will come to your workplace to deliver training onsite to groups. The next public course is at The Beachmere Hub on Saturday 26th September 2020.

Covid-19 has impacted the way that First Aid Training is delivered and CPR AT WORK adhere to strict Covid-19 Health guidelines from Federal Health and Qld Health, SafeWork Australia and ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority). Group sizes are now smaller and there is no sharing of equipment or manikins. A full list of these guidelines can be found on their website The courses offered are HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, HLTAID003 Provide First Aid (Includes CPR), and HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting (Includes CPR). All courses are delivered using the Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines and participants will be issued with their Certificate for the Nationally Recognised Training qualification within days of successful completion. Bookings for these courses can be made via the website and phone enquiries are welcome.

CPR AT WORK First Aid and CPR courses consist of a comprehensive online theory component, which students complete at home (or work) at their own pace, followed by a fun practical workshop. All equipment is supplied, including a mix of male and female manikins, as well as infant manikins, to provide more realistic scenarios for learning and practising First Aid skills.

CPR AT WORK 0410 758 723