By Barry Clark, U3A Public Relations


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With 150 different Classes already available at Bribie Island U3A this year ,we are always delighted to offer some new and exciting topics . This year U3A has already attracted record numbers of senior students for the first two terms. After a short mid-year break, enrolment for Term 3, classes will be on Monday 9th July between 9am and 11am at the U3A Centre in the Recreation Hall on First Ave. Term 3 commences on Monday 16th July and will run through until Friday 21 September

There are a number of new classes starting in Term 3, and several previous classes are being run again by popular demand. These include;

ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF POWERED FLIGHT – Covers the fascinating history of Flight from the very first aviators to breaking the sound barrier and beyond. It reveals fascinating details of the people and machines that were trail blazers in the 1920’s and the contribution of women to pioneer aviation. It spans the development of Commercial and Military Aviation and the dramatic and revealing stories of people and events involved. This class will be presented by the knowledgeable and entertaining Juri Linins on Thursday afternoons between 2;15 and 4pm ,as his popular Wednesday class is already fully subscribed.

ASTRONOMY FOR AMATEURS – This is another new class being offered by the multi-talented Martin White at his home in Sandstone Point on Friday mornings between 9am and 10;30.am. You need no previous experience just a desire to explore the Universe from the comfort of an armchair. It is a huge topic involving an appreciation of the Planets, Moons, Stars and Galaxies near and far, and the Constellations and other mysteries that have challenged man since the dawn of time.

MAJOR EVENTS OF THE 20th CENTURY- this is another new Class that will be conducted by Juri Linins on Thursday morning between 10;30 am and noon. The full course of 19 weeks will be conducted over Terms 3 and 4. Each week of Term 3 will provide an overview of a number of key events in each Decade of the 20th Century. In Term 4 the key events of each decade will be covered in greater detail to provide insight, background and outcomes that had impact on the world.

SHAKESPEARE- A MAN FOR ALL TIME- This is a short 6 week course being offered by Jill Bailey on Tuesdays between 12;30 and 2pm starting on Tuesday 17th July. The course is designed as an exciting visual and audio introduction to the life and works of William Shakespeare and the variety and depth of his numerous plays are examined and reviewed. People form views about the man and his works that may limit their enjoyment of his significant contribution to life over many centuries. This short course will certainly increase your appreciation and understanding of this remarkable man.

TRIVIA QUIZ – Hazel Beneke will conduct an entertaining and informative weekly Trivia Quiz session on Wednesdays between 9am and 10;30 for those who enjoy stretching their knowledge and memory about a wide range of trivia and general knowledge topics. This is a fun session to enjoy the challenge.

PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS FOR BEGINERS- is a one Term course being offered by Gail Goodair for those who may have a new Digital Camera, or who would like to understand more about their existing Camera to take better photos on Manual rather than Automatic. You will need a DSLR or Compact camera with Manual setting for this class. This hands-on class will be run on Mondays between 9am and 11am and will cover both the theory and practice of camera settings, composition and exposure.

EVERYDAY MATHS – is a great course for people who say “I can’t do maths”. Of course you can , you have to do it every day, but perhaps you would like to be more confident and do it a bit better. The group will look at many different aspects of daily life such as keeping track of daily expenses, using Public Transport or the cost of running a car, managing your Bank account, Gambling money and health expenses. These are all part of daily life that require basic mathematics skills, as is finding money to buy a car, a house, running a mobile phone and paying household bills. Tutor Barry Finch has had years of experience helping people to become more confident with basic maths and runs this class on Mondays between 10;15 and 11;45am.

AUSSIE ENGLISH – Even before you could read you were aware of books and the stories that were read to you. Being able to read to yourself is a pleasure to appreciate exactly what an author is saying. This course of “Aussie English” will examine where authors get their ideas, why they use certain words, and especially the meaning and origin of some Australian sayings. Regain your zest for reading and the English language with Tutor Barry Flinch on Mondays from 11;45am to 1;15pm.

CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIA – This course is designed to unravel some of the complexities of life in Australia today. It examines the apparent complexities of Government and invites challenge and discussion of social and topical issues that we all experience. It explains the founding principles of Government and the Judicial system, it analyses Australia Foreign Policy and indigenous issues, and the pros and cons of Republicanism and all sorts of topics that you might like to discuss. The class leader will be Juri Linins and it will be held on Wednesdays between 2pm and 4pm.

SEEING LIFE DIFFERENTLY – This is a new 10 week class for Term 3 only which takes you on a personal enriching journey through different aspects of life enhancement. It will help you understand what formed you in to who you are today, and help you discover and reveal a “hidden self” residing in your sub-conscious. It develops personal empowerment through the mind and reshapes your perception of fear to the spiritual psychology of love. Tutor Helen Le Mesurier Bradford will introduce you to an understanding of classical mediation and its life-enhancing benefits on Tuesdays between 12:30 and 2pm.

Connecting Seniors to Lifelong learning.

A detailed Timetable of all U3A Classes offered in Term 3 can be picked up at The Library, Visitor Info and neighbourhood Centres, and at U3A Centre during term time. Existing financial Members of U3A can Enrol in classes in the final weeks of Term 2, but new Members must attend Enrolment Day on Monday 9th July between 9am and 11am. at the U3A Centre. For the final Terms 3 and 4 of 2018 the Membership joining fee is just $5, and Classes must be paid in advance for the whole term.

Some ongoing classes are already fully subscribed but vacancies exist in most classes as shown on the Timetable. If you would like to do some volunteer work for this wonderful organisation, or could be a Tutor in any subject at all please contact us. Enquiries by phone to U3A on 3408 1450 during term time, and Class details and Timetable are on the website www.u3abribie.org.au

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A highly successful sales and leadership career working in a number of different and very competitive industries. Engaging with decision makers at all levels in business and government. Three decades employed by corporations, SME businesses in senior roles and almost twelve years operating as a freelance contractor has equipped me well for all aspects of business. Whether leading and mentoring sales teams, or in a direct sales role I enjoy the challenge to meet and exceed expectations. Making a real and tangible difference in either a team environment or as an individual is an important personal goal I have consistently achieved throughout my career. In all of my business and personal dealings over the years there is one issue that stands out above all others - communication. Excellent communication skills creates trust, helps with mutually beneficial outcomes and above all cements long lasting positive relationships. I strive everyday to communicate effectively with the people I encounter.