Bribie Island Diabetes Support Group

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander


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For every business or organisation, a logo that accurately describes their relevant purpose is regarded as important and, if that logo is something a little different that makes those who see it take notice, it has done its job. There is one particular organisation within the community that has two bees in front of a B as its logo and that becomes very relevant when considering the group’s motto which is, “Be Well -Be Supported – Be Informed”, three almost essential requirements for anyone who is a diabetic.

The organisation which I have referred to in the previous paragraph is The Bribie Island Diabetes Support Group and group Publicity Officer Elizabeth Morrice has told me that 2018 has been a wonderful year for all involved. ‘We have had amazing support from within the community, especially from Busy Fingers and the Wallum Action Group who have been donating to our “Kids at Camp” and “Insulin Pump” programs for several years,’ said Elizabeth. ‘We acknowledge their support and thank them for their understanding of diabetes and just how important our programs are,’ she added.

Elizabeth explained that during the year the group has been really active, holding six Support Group meetings which featured a number of keynote speakers who discussed the risk factors for people with diabetes regarding blindness, kidney disease and stroke. ‘This information is so important for those living with diabetes,’ she said. She also mentioned that 2018 was the second year that the group has held the “Walk with Us – Diabetes Dash” event and told me that the event will be held again on May 26th in 2019.

‘It is fantastic to see so many families and friends walking or running in support of those who are living with diabetes,’ Elizabeth remarked. ‘It provides a look into what it’s like to live with diabetes, bringing families together to meet and a chance to make new friends,’ she said. As part of the 2018 program, the Diabetes Support Group has purchased three new insulin pumps at a cost of $10,000 each, allowed thirty children to attend camp, costing $350 per child provided funding for a Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor and assisted two children with medical devices and consumables.

They have been able to help support and inform approximately five hundred people who are living with diabetes or caring for someone who is. As Elizabeth pointed out, it has been an active year. Another important event for the group during 2018 was the “Putting the Pieces Together” Diabetes Seminar which included talks by guest speakers who were all well respected in their fields.

Elizabeth said that the group would like to extend their thanks to the speakers, Dr Chris Michaelides, Lisa Diggles, Rick Thornton and Cathy Mc Gillivray for their time on the day. The members of the group have recently enjoyed their end of year party and Elizabeth mentioned that she wished to say thank you to Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson for donating a beautiful hamper which was presented to the winner of the lucky door prize. She said that with 2019 fast approaching, everyone is gearing up for the AGM in February and for the planned lineup of guest speakers who will keep them up to date with the latest technologies and medications.

If anyone would like to find out more about the Bribie Island Diabetes Support Group, they can call Elizabeth on 0408 156 912 or Rhonda on 5428 1434. Alternately, an email to [email protected] will result in all the information being made available.

A highly successful sales and leadership career working in a number of different and very competitive industries. Engaging with decision makers at all levels in business and government. Three decades employed by corporations, SME businesses in senior roles and almost twelve years operating as a freelance contractor has equipped me well for all aspects of business. Whether leading and mentoring sales teams, or in a direct sales role I enjoy the challenge to meet and exceed expectations. Making a real and tangible difference in either a team environment or as an individual is an important personal goal I have consistently achieved throughout my career. In all of my business and personal dealings over the years there is one issue that stands out above all others - communication. Excellent communication skills creates trust, helps with mutually beneficial outcomes and above all cements long lasting positive relationships. I strive everyday to communicate effectively with the people I encounter.