By Richard Whetlor


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A new proposed multi-level Minor Accident/ Emergency Centre & Hospital for Bribie Island and nearby areas. Husband and wife Raahul and Arti Vaid are the Doctors making this happen with plans waiting for imminent council DA approval for a five-story building on lot 8 Bongaree Road, Bongaree. The Vaids realised the need for an Emergency Care facility and started to think and work on a plan of action for the last three years. After the birth of their first child Ishaan, the plan was put on the back burner but now there is great progress happening.

Proposed is a five-story building featuring ground floor minor accident and emergency services to start, with 6 active beds plus 4 more monitoring beds. The number of beds can be increased or decreased to suit demand along with radiology and pathology to support these services. A dental centre and a few shops for medical-related items only, a small convenience store for residents and visitors, along with a café to make this a one-stop-shop for visitors. Other rooms for consulting and the flexibility to expand or decrease, bearing in mind the hospital will not run at full capacity straight away.

The first floor will be initially a day hospital and progress to an overnight stay, facilities for specialists visiting rooms, Allied Health care centre, Rehabilitation centre and they are looking at services that are not available on Bribie or Caboolture, a dedicated conference room for training and general use. Levels 2 and 3 will comprise of 78 rooms for residential aged care, people that need advanced care unable to live independently, 34 of these rooms for couples to live together, not being split up between here and accommodation somewhere else and for use till the end of their days, the balance being for singles.

Dedicated on-site Doctor is being planned to be available during working hours to care for the residents & emergency downstairs would be available to them overnight, eventually. Level 4 is proposed as a childcare centre to help and facilitate the aged care in their later stages of life-giving them something to look forward to. Monitored interaction with the kids has been proven to reduce depression and dementia, it gives them a purpose in life when they wake up in the morning they know they are going to have something positive and interactive to do as the family cannot usually be around them all the time, thus reducing pressure off family members too.

Also, this unit allows mums to come back to work sooner as their baby can be accommodated here. Employment within the structure could be anywhere between 50 to 100 plus, taking into account the need for security, doctors, nurses, cleaners, support staff, the few shops and café as well as the aged care having day and night shifts. Depending on resources the ground floor emergency is proposed to open 24 hours a day gradually over time.

The residents have been positively commenting to the Vaids that this facility is long overdue, an accident on the bridge makes access almost impossible in an emergency. Once approval is granted there is a need for funding. Government services, local MP’s and other various grants and sources will be approached to make it viable and cost-effective for everyone to use and not exclusive for private use only.

Queensland Health service will benefit financially with services used from the mainland left available without the need to go back and forth. Ambulances will have their own area to come to the facility and go off from it and ED staff (A&E) available as well. Raahul and Arti came to Bribie in 2008 and fell in love with the place. Both doctors were born, brought up and received medical training in India, after serving as medical officers in the Army they migrated to Australia.

Raahul said “We came to Bribie and fell in love with it! We finally found our home and have ever since been living and practising here. We really appreciate the love and affection we have received from everyone here”.

Previous articleGloss Magazine Bribie Islander 15th Edition July 19 2019 Issue 92
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