Lions Club Australia Dig Deep to make a Significant Difference for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis


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Generous donors, clinical experts, and collaborative researchers have come together to make a difference in the lives of more than 21,000 Australian men diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.

Following a partnership with Mater spanning more than 20 years, Lions Clubs Australia has generously donated $450,000 to the Brisbane Mater Foundation to purchase the BK3000 – a new targeted ultrasound system designed to enhance precision when it comes to prostate cancer biopsy and diagnosis.

Positive outcomes for patients with prostate cancer usually rely on early diagnosis and the disease being localised to the prostate. Biopsy alone cannot accurately map all locations of cancer within the prostate, which is why ultrasound imaging has emerged as a vital addition when assessing the exact location and extent of cancer.

With ultrasound machines like the BK3000, Mater clinicians can be incredibly specific and definitive in their diagnosis, which in turn enables enhanced treatment options for patients.

Local Lion of 20 years and Life Member Andy Fitzgerald knows only too well the importance of donations of this magnitude as she also happens to be a Mater health professional. She said “I know how much difference Lions make on the ground. To quote the lead of Queensland’s Lions Prostate Cancer Research, Treatment and Support Project it is a great honour to know we can make a difference to the outcomes of those facing prostate cancer right across the spectrum of prevention, awareness and treatment, she said.

Lions clubs throughout Australia are always looking for new members to help further the great work they do in supporting organisations such as the Mater Foundation.

However, support, first and foremost, starts in your own backyard and that’s where your local Lions shine. Whether it’s providing shelter and a safe environment for local people suffering abuse and homelessness or other much needed vital support or, on a greater scale, raising money for medical research, the support you give your local Lions is welcomed and it is not just financial assistance that is needed.

If you think you’d like to help your local community and have fun while doing it, why not come along to your local Lions and find out what being a Lion is all about.

The Sandstone Point Lions Club is a very social club whose members believe the work you do for Lions must be fun. According to Sandstone Point Lions President, Keith Hadley, “In some ways, we’re a social club that does Lions work.”