By Neil Wilson

rocks geology mineral bribie island clubs groups queensland brisbane

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Tags: Rocks. Geology. Minerals. Local clubs and groups. Bribie Island. Brisbane.

It seems that the days when geologists and miners were the only ones who got excited about finding the rocks that they sought are well and truly a thing of the past and, from the beginning of this year, hunting for rocks on Bribie Island has become a very popular pastime for many locals and visitors.

Being already aware of this craze from hearing of its existence in many other places, Bribie Rocks cofounders Kaye Harper-Smith and her friend Alayne Charles Stuart decided to begin painting and then hiding rocks around the island and therefore, as a way of announcing it also started the Facebook page, “Bribie Rocks.”

Featured Image(above): Kaye Harper Smith with her latest batch of painted rocks

The way that this rather unique idea which seems like a Flinstones version of Pokemon Go works is that people paint little rocks, put an inscription on the back which reads, “Keep me or re-hide me and take a photo to let us know where you found me” and after applying a sealing lacquer, they hide them in various places around the island which even include supermarket shelves.

The finder then posts the photo on the Facebook page for the group to see. Kaye and Alayne told me that there similar groups all over the world and there is a state group that is called Queensland Rocks. ‘We decided to form our own local group within the community,’ said Kaye.

‘The group started with only three of us and now there almost six hundred members. People have discovered that it is a great way to get kids out of the house,’ she said. Whilst Kaye paints her rocks, Alayne uses stickers to decorate hers and she admits that this is due to being a terrible painter.

The ladies explained that seeing the excited smiles of the children when they have found a rock is what makes the rock decorating such a worthwhile pastime. They also pointed out that there are quite a number of adults who actively go looking for the special rocks and even they get a thrill when they make a find.

Apparently, the rocks that are most commonly used, (not just any old rock is good enough) can be purchased at the local hardware shop at a price of twenty dollars for twenty kilograms.

Just a few of the hundreds of rocks that Kaye has painted

If the idea of spending a few hours decorating and then hiding rocks interests you, or if you would just like to join the ever-increasing number of rock hunters, you should go to the Bribie Rocks page and click on join.

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