By The Bribie Islander - Local Newspaper & Blog

Bribie Island. Photography Club. Brisbane. Queensland.

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Tags: Bribie Island. Photography Club. Brisbane. Queensland.

“Shapes” was the theme for the month and was won by Richard Speer with his waterlily shot “Lily Shadow” Alain Chardon won the PI Monochrome with his snap of Ron titled “Lonely”. Alain also took out the Open Colour Print with his lovely sunset photo “Peaceful” which also was judged Photo of the Month.

Featured Image(above): Alain Chardon: Peaceful: Photo of the Month

Ron Le Huray was the winner of the Monochrome Print with “Bush Monster” and John Cupper won the PI Open Colour with “Winning the Fight for Life”. The judging was done remotely by Sue Gordon who was unable to attend the meeting. Adrian Lowe was our guest speaker who gave us an informative talk on the SMARTS approach to photography. As he will be our judge for next month he also gave us some useful tips on what he will be looking for in our photos. Several of our members have been to his photography workshops, while others have joined his photography group at U3A.

Gordon conducted a presentation on preparing and sizing photos for our monthly competition. The PSQ Photography Convention was held this year in Emerald over the May long weekend. Gordon, Val and Marj made the trip and were rewarded with excellent speakers and workshops at a very well run event. Steve Parish was just one of the wall to wall presenters who spoke on Nature Photography and a Creative Life Purpose. Other presentations were on Photographing Animals Indoors, Recording History, Entering Competitions, Timelapse and Video Photography, Understanding Pictures, “Birth” a New Photography Genre, Family Portraiture and Documentary Photography.

At night dinners and social events were arranged. Our club location shoot was held at Rotary Park, Woorim. It was a beautiful sunny day and some members arrived early and had their breakfast overlooking the beach. There was a good turn up and participants enjoyed several hours photographing the scenery, flora and wildlife. This was followed by morning tea in the park. A slideshow of selected images will be shown at the next meeting. Photography tip for the month:-When photographing people, animals or birds it is important to capture the catchlights in the eyes. Catchlights are reflections of light on the surface of the eye and add life to the photograph.

The Bribie Island Photography Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm in the boardroom at the back of the Arts Centre on Sunderland Drive. New Members are always welcome. The first two meetings are free. If you wish to come along ring Gordon at 3408 2649 or Gail at 3408 9850.

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