Locals’ Only – The Blue Pacific Hotel

By The Bribie Islander - Local Newspaper & Blog


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Tags: Queensland Travel and tourist destinations. Bribie Island. Hotel. Pub. Tavern. Brisbane

The Locals Only Show Rocks! Another fine and warm Sunday afternoon ensured that the Locals Only Show would be an afternoon of surprises and great music would be enjoyed by all. Hosted by guitarist/vocalist, Dan Burns, the show featured song and dance, a new artist and a new band. Once again, volunteers from Project Pink helped to make sure that it was a day to remember. Project Pink has been fundraising all through July to support breast cancer awareness and over the past few weeks, has managed to raise much-needed funds for this worthy cause. Thanks to Caz, Tracey, Chez and Jo for your wonderful and tireless help during the month.

The show began with the Wham Bam Thank You Band with some lively tunes to set the mood for a fun afternoon. The first guest artists came in the form of the Step Up dance troupe, a local dance studio, who performed 2 sets of very colourful dance numbers. It was very enjoyable and showed the remarkable energy and talent of these young performers. It’s very refreshing to see new artists at each of the shows, and this time, it came in the form of Tony Hirst who quickly made himself popular with the Blueys audience and went on to receive one of the Performer of the Day prizes.

The other prize was awarded to Frolly, a duo consisting of Frank Sover and Amanda Jones, making a long-awaited comeback to the Locals stage. A new band, Black Adder, formed only a couple of months ago, graced the beer garden with some really great music and showed the crowd how much fun that playing music can be. The show ended with host Dan Burns seeing out the day with a few friends for a long bracket of blues and rock ‘n roll. Dan is proving to be a great master of ceremonies and is attacking his hosting role with relish. Thank you to all the artists, the audience and especially Malcolm Smith who lent us the PA system for the day. The next Locals Only Show begins at 1 pm on Sunday 26th August.


3408 1004
Featuring Local Talent & Special Guest Artists
2 North Street, Woorim

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