Bribie Island Croquet Club

By Kathy Vincent

Bribie Island Croquet Club

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Bribie Island Croquet Club is having a very exciting time as we almost have a fifth court to play on. Work has been continuing for months now, preparing the area, leveling the ground, treating the soil to try to prevent weed growth, laying the turf, regular cutting, and that is just the court.

Featured image(above): Watering the green

Then a fence needed to be put in place and a new shelter seat erected. Busy Fingers kindly supplied the shelter shed to protect any players sitting out from the Queensland sun. We are almost there. The grass was cut again this week but it is not very green. You can see in the photograph Dick Byres the President appealingly to the skies for some rain!

Bribie Island Croquet Club
Dick Byres the President appealingly to the skies for some rain!

At the moment we are watering it in the hopes that it will be ready for the Official Opening on 9th October. This will be a fantastic help to the club because with membership growing sometimes there are too many people to play on the existing 4 courts on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Soon we will be able to utilise all five courts with the possibility of playing different disciplines playing at any one time. We play Golf Croquet, Association Croquet, Ricochet and Gate ball. Why not come and have a go?

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