The Commemorative Booklet celebrating the Bribie Island Lions Club’s 50th anniversary


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This booklet is a compilation of photos and information collected from different history books and members sharing the Bribie Lions Club’s hard work and service for our community and surrounds over the past 50 years. It was made possible by the businesses that are advertised within the book and a thank you page on the back full of businesses that also donated for this booklet to be printed.

Unfortunately, there are way too many incredible works and projects that have been achieved by the Bribie lions to possibly fit everything in. We hope we have done their amazing service justice.


In the 1968 – 70 Lions Years, an investigation was commenced by the Redcliffe Peninsular Lions Club, into the possibility of chartering a Lions Club on Bribie Island. Active participants in the Redcliffe Peninsular Lions Club were Lion Reg Wright and Lion Noel Kropp. Bribie Island interested locals were Bluey Piva amongst other businessmen. Bluey had purchased the Blue Pacific Hotel on the island several years before and had previous experience in Lionism in Ayr and Home Hill.

A survey of Island businesspeople revealed a lack of enough interest at the time, so the plan was deferred for twelve months. In the 1969 – 70 Lions Year with the assistance of another local identity, Otto Fluck, enough interest was generated, and the Bribie Island Lions Club was chartered on the 19th of March 1970. Otto had been a Lions club member previously in Melbourne.


The Blue Pacific Hotel then became the home of the Bribie Island Lions Club and still is today. Where the Piva family for many decades played host for many a function run by the Lions Club.

Through the ’60s and ’70s, the hotel became the community hub of Bribie Island and over the years with a keen eye for new members, Bluey was able to introduce 15 members to the club. On Friday nights and Saturdays, you will still find the Lions Club members running their raffles at the hotel where they still hold all of their meetings to this day.


For nearly a decade the Bribie Island Lions have met the cost to get the prep school-aged children from the Bribie Island Primary School hearing tested. Audiologist Ms. Stephanie Morris from the UQ Health and Rehabilitation said “Hearing is very important for a child’s development in learning, language communication, etc. As a lot of the problems are through middle ear infection, hearing is tested when a child is born and again before they start school. In 2019, 90 children were tested, 17 were found to have issues. This is obviously a much-needed service.


Only 3 local identities have managed to be found that were at some stage Miss Personality entrants. The Miss Personality fundraising was a Lions Quest that went towards their fundraising efforts. These were Judy Piva, Jacky Wright, and Melissa Wing-Young.


On the 12th of November 1976, the Bribie Island Lions Club decided to go ahead with plans for a Republic of Bribie Island as a fundraiser. By the 15th of March 1977, a total of $13,915.83 had been raised by selling visitors passes.


With the passing of Lion Veronica Cook in November 2001, Liz Heber, who was long-standing friend, offered to hold her annual Art Show preview in March 2002 in her honour, (prizes donated by the artists), with the proceeds of sales and raffles to assist Breast Cancer Research at the Wesley Hospital in memory of Lion Veronica. That year $4500 was raised. This event was held each year up until 2010 when the change of format to the Art Show by the organisers, 2010 was the last occasion the Lions Club participated.


“Aiming for the stars”. The Lions Children of Courage Awards is not a competition but having said that, every child nominated receives an award. All children just want to be accepted by others regardless of any special needs they may have. The awards will portray the recipients as children who have successfully overcome additional barriers that face them in the world.


As early as 1976 the Lions Club began the project of installing bus shelters on Bribie Island with numbers increasing steadily over the next few decades due to the advertising revenue initially defraying the erection costs and subsequently providing valuable resources for the club and community projects. In December 1988 the Lions Club entered into a formal agreement with the Caboolture Shire Council where the construction, maintenance, and advertising rights were established.

During the following year, 17 new bus shelters were built adding a substantial revenue base to the club. With the amalgamation of the Pumicestone/Ningi & Bribie Island Lions Clubs in July 2007, all the bus shelters at Ningi and Sandstone point came under the control of the Lions Club of Bribie Island. Bringing the number of bus shelters up to 34.

In 2008, a 5-year option as per agreement was extended to the Lions Club which would expire in 2013, at which time the number of bus shelters would be reviewed. The Moreton Bay Regional Council then had a consultation with the Lions Club regarding the new compliance standards required for bus shelters and possible changes to advertising rights. At the time the bus shelters advertising was approximately generating $20,000 per annum for community projects.

Unfortunately, in 2018 TransLink began replacing the bus shelters with the new compliance standard shelters, which meant the Lions Club lost this valuable source of income which always went back into the Bribie Island community.


was a massive undertaking for the Bribie Island Lions Club. The project which commenced in 1972 and with a cost of over $500,000 came to completion when opened by the HON BD Austin, MLA, Minister for Health on 19 March 1983. Bribie Island Lions through their involvement with local citizens became aware of the need for a community centre and for a meal on wheels kitchen to provide a service to those senior citizens requiring it.

Following an application to the Lands Dept on 8th April 1972 under Lion President Edwin Schrag, approximately 6 acres of land was made available by the State Government on the ocean side of the Island. This came to fruition on the 26th of October of that year with five Lions members being appointed as trustees of the area. There were copious amounts of red tape to get through, but this didn’t deter the lions club.

They dug in and with a lot of hours volunteered by the Lions Members raising funds, along with others the project was finally finished, and the Golden Age Community Centre became a reality. Throughout the years proving it is still just as valuable of an asset to the community as ever, housing Meals on Wheels and serving as a much needed centre for our senior citizens to have access too.

The facility is second to none, holding many concerts and functions over the years, and no doubt has many fond memories for a lot of us to look back on. Today the building is known as the Bribie Respite & Support Services Inc.(Golden Age Day Respite)


On Sunday the 16th of December 1990 members for the Bribie Island Lions Club Kerry Wright and Anther Hayes held a Christmas Party for 33 terminally ill children from the Royal Brisbane Hospital, at the Bribie Island Funland Waterpark. Each Lion adopted a child for the day and Santa visited with gifts for them all.

For the next two years, it was a zone project but in 1993 it was elevated to a district project with Lions Clubs in the area becoming involved. On the 28th of November 1993, seventeen Lions and Lioness Clubs put on the Lions Camp Quality Christmas Picnic day at Bribie Island. They provided all the fun, food and entertainment free, for 600 people which included 147 Camp Quality children, their families, and Lions club families.

Every year since then, it has brought a moment of happiness for these children, their families, and carers, as well as older children upon their return. This special day, which is held on the last Sunday in November, at Brennan Park, Bribie Island Lions Club provides a full range of treats and activities, including the arrival of Father Christmas, with gifts for all the children.

Lion’s club member Kerry Wright remained District Co-Ordinator until 2003, with Lion Kevin Williams from the Bribie Island Lions Club becoming the District Co-Ordinator in 2004. Now known as the Liaison officer, Kevin Williams still holds this position, helping to provide a wonderful day out for those less fortunate.

In 2019 the event hosted 200 people from Camp Quality and the Lions Club and 200 General public, totaling 400 people approximately. This year they will proudly celebrate as it will be the 30th year of giving to the children through this great Lions initiative, the special day being Sunday the 29th of November.


In November 1987, Harry de Gono, a member of the Bribie Island Lions Club proposed that the construction of a columbarium and memorial gardens should become a project of the club. This led to a request being made to the Caboolture Shire Council for a suitable site in early 1988.

By the 25th of November 1990, it was deemed ready for an official Consecration Day which was performed by Pastor John Nichols who represented the Ministers Fraternal of all churches on the Island. Early in 1991, the first ashes were inserted in the Tristania Wall and the Memorial Gardens became official.

Under project Chairman Lion member Bryce King instruction, Lions members Alan Suffolk and Brian Deadman took over as curators and landscapers and the surrounding gardens began to take shape, limited only by the inefficient water supply. The Caboolture Shire Council who constructed the entrance road and the car parks also donated a gazebo which was erected by the Lions Committee. The Lions Club then also completed the connecting pathways. The Bribie Lions Club still maintain the Memorial Gardens today.


Another Great Lions Club initiative was to hold an annual seniors Christmas lunch. It was a dream of one of the presidents Phil Carne which became a reality on the first Saturday in December 2012. It is a very special day on the Lions Club calendar each year, also a much-anticipated date for many of their guests, as not everyone has family or friends to spend Christmas day with.

So, this is it for many of them and what a way to spend it, laughing and enjoying the day. Sadly, Phil passed away in 2016, so the Bribie Lions Club dedicated this great tradition in his honour and re-named it the Phil Carnes Memorial Senior Xmas Lunch.


The Lions Youth of the Year Quest aims to select an outstanding young individual to be an Australian ambassador allowing them to travel overseas under the auspices of Lions Club International. Through all levels of participation, the Quest seeks to assist secondary school students in developing citizenship and leadership qualities as they prepare for entry to the workforce or higher education.

On perusal of the historical documents of this event in the early 1990s, it came to light that Janelle Williams was the only youth to win the award twice. Janelle won the award two consecutive years and happens to now be the General Manager of the Bribie Island RSL.


For over 3 decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. The Peace Essay Contest was created to provide an opportunity for visually impaired young people to express their feelings of peace and is, along with the Peace Poster Contest, a staple of Lions clubs around the world.

Under the leadership of the Art Teacher at the Bribie Island State school, Cheryl Thornley takes part in this contest each year. The 2019 winner was Livina Curley. The theme was “Journey of Peace” Over the last 50 years, the Bribie Island Lions Club has held a proud record of serving the community by providing many much-needed amenities for the Island.

They have also been able to ensure assistance is available for many charities and worthwhile projects not only on Bribie Island but also District and Multi-District Lions projects serving the wider community with numerous fundraising efforts. The Local Lions Club has evolved over the years to meet the needs and expectations of our local community.

In the early years, the club was instrumental in many “hands-on” projects such as the Lions Park at Woorim, which provided picnic facilities for the visitors to the Island. The facility was recently upgraded by the regional council as part of the Beautification Project for Woorim, and whilst no longer maintained by the club, it still bears the name “Bribie Island Lions Park” in recognition of the Lions contribution over the many years. The Bellara Lions Park established in 1989 was also a project of the local Lions Club.

They have built and supplied our community with so many things, for example.

• Providing the House of Happiness with chairs, palm trees, electric BBQs and gas cylinders.

• The amenities block at the Bridge Lions Park and picnic tables in our parks.

• Blue nurses’ cars, new ambulance vehicles and equipment, helped purchase a new minibus for the Caboolture special needs school, bus shelters, Air-sea rescues boat, lifesavers rubber duckie and SLSC flagpole.

• Books for our Bribie Library, a line marker for the schools and sports grounds to use, book trolley for the children’s ward at the Caboolture Hospital and a World book set for Banksia Beach State School.

• BMX track, a kindergarten, St Vincent DePaul bikes and certainly not forgetting the original Golden Age Community Centre, our beautiful Bribie Island Memorial Gardens and Columbarium and so much more.

The Bribie Island Lions Club’s hard work and efforts have raised so much money for these projects and when you think that most of this money comes from running raffles and functions, it’s amazing just how many hours must have been donated by these hardworking Lions Club members.

The residents of Bribie Island and Caboolture Shire have been very fortunate to have such an active and effective organization as the Bribie Island Lions Club. For over 50 years they have vigorously supported, through physical and financial means many individuals, families, and organisations, continuing to do so to this day.

Their record clearly shows their dedication to recreational land and the environment, and their commitment to build the columbarium and memorial gardens genuinely shows their concern for our community.

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