The Bribie Island Photography Club

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Tags: Photography. Club. Bribie Island. Queensland.

It was a clean winning sweep by the male members of the club at the last meeting. The theme for the month was “Looking Down” and was won by John Cupper with his amazing picture of a Blue-tongued Lizard titled “Deep Throat”.

Featured Image(above): John Cupper, Deep Throat

John also won the colour projected Image with a very clever photo “Through the Lens” which was also voted Photo of the Month and received a mark of 10/10. Another 10/10 and 1st place was awarded to Gordon Bentzen for his black and white shot of ladies in period costume “Ladies of the 1930s”.

Roger Bawden was another first place getter with 10/10 with his shot of a potter working with clay “Potter”. Richard Speer’s “Windswept” was also a winner. Richard also received a mark of 10/10. There were some very good photos entered in our new novice section which were critiqued by visiting judge Stan Bowles who was impressed with the high standard of our novices.

photography club bribie island

Richard Spear, Windswept

Stan Bowles gave us a lengthy, informative and entertaining critique on each of the image entries. Supper and discussion followed the meeting. A location shoot was held on Sunday 18th March at Oxley Place, Sandstone Point. The theme for this shoot was outdoor Portraits by natural light. Our plan was to demonstrate the control of lighting a”model” by use of reflectors and diffusers.

The light on Sunday morning was very flat due to the heavy cloud cover which limited the range of control. Four of our members persisted with some pleasing results and a desire to learn more about this in the future.

The Bribie Island Photography Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm in the boardroom at the back of the Arts Centre on Sunderland Drive. New members are always welcome.

photography club

Gordon Bentzen, Ladies of the 1930s

photography clubphotography club

Roger Bawden, Potter(left) and John Cupper, Through the Lens(right)

The first two meetings are free. If you wish to come along ring Gordon on 3408 2649 or Gail at 3408 9850 or just turn up on the night.

Contact Information

e: [email protected]

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