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Photography. Photos. Clubs Bribie Island. Brisbane. Queensland

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Photography. Photos. Clubs Bribie Island. Brisbane. Queensland

Maria Cosmenco: Bonding

The Photographic Society of Queensland (PSQ) held their annual Conference this year in Emerald on 5th– 7th May hosted by Emerald Photographic Club inc. Marj and Gordon represented BIPC at the conference. At our May meeting, Gordon presented a brief report on this event which was a real credit to the EPC. We found the whole conference to be exceptional with the most informative and entertaining presenters. “Iconic Australia” was the theme for the month. There were great photos of the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Lifesavers, Akubra Hats, Kangaroos, Thongs, Bundaberg Rum, Two Up, Uluru, Triple Transport

Featured image(top): Stan Mottershead: Iguana

Trucks, Emus and Queenslanders as in houses. All are great Australian Icons but a striking photo “AFL” by new member Angela Smith took the cake. Congratulations Angela. In the Print section, Stan Mottershead was the winner of the Mono with “Iguana” and Ron Le Huray with “OMG I’m Off” won the colour section with a photo of a cormorant in flight. Marj Webber won the Projected Images colour section with “Lamb Roast on the Go, Yum”. Maria Casmenco with her beautiful shot “Bonding” won the Mono PI category and also won the Photo of the Month.

Adrian Lowe an accredited PSQ judge, tutor at U3A and local photographer was our judge. He gave us detailed critiques on our entries and I’m sure we all came away from the meeting knowing a lot more about photography. Our Location Shoot for this month was at Toorbul esplanade. It was a lovely sunny day with a winter nip in the air. We had quite a good roll up and the happy snappers spent several hours walking along the beachfront looking for suitable subjects to be photographed.

They then gathered at the kiosk for morning tea and a chat. Many of the best photos will be presented as a slideshow at the next club meeting. Photography tip for the month:- Photographing birds can be very frustrating especially when nine times out of ten they sense the photographer’s presence and duck behind a clump of leaves or fly away. When birds are feeding they are much less likely to become alarmed and it is much easier to snap a honeyeater gorging on nectar or a waterbird intent on foraging for food sources in the water.

The Bribie Island Photography Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 pm in the boardroom at the back of the Arts Centre on Sunderland Drive. New members are always welcome. The first two meetings are free, If you wish to come along ring Gordon at 3408 2649 or Gail at 3408 9850.

e: [email protected]

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