Bribie Island VIEW Club has a new club banner

By The Bribie Islander

bribie island view club groups (2)
Vicki Hyne & Carol

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Bribie Island VIEW Club has a new club banner. After 23 years of service our old banner was deemed obsolete and thanks to an anonymous member donation, we were able to enlist the help of photographer Judy Goyen and designer Cheryl Mortimer to create a modern banner that reflects who and what we are.

It features a beloved Bribie pelican backed by The Glasshouse Mountains, Bribie Island Bridge and the stunning blue waters of the Pumicestone Passage. The banner was unveiled last week at our October lunch meeting to great approval. The guest speaker was Ms. Vicki Hyne, principal of Moorooka State School Brisbane.

Ms. Hyne talked about how The Smith Family’s Learning For Life Programmes (LFL) changed the lives of so many of her students, especially the extra reading tuition. Moorooka State School currently has 37 LFL students, 10% of the enrolled students and representatives of their 54 different nationalities. Education is the key to breaking the cycle of disadvantage.

Learning for Life sponsorship provides disadvantaged students with financial assistance, emotional support and access to learning and educational programs to help them get the most from their education. As of June 2019, VIEW Clubs sponsored 1,364 disadvantaged students nationally. Bribie Island VIEW Club currently sponsors five. Research has shown that supporting a child’s education is one of the most effective ways to help break the cycle of disadvantage.

The Smith Family’s sponsorship program enables sponsors to give directly to a child in need so they don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate fully in their education and create a better future for themselves. There are thousands of Australian children in need of help. Email: [email protected]

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