History – The Masons, the Masonic Lodge

By Neil Wilson

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Tags: Masonic Lodge. The Masons. History. Free Masonry


It is no secret that what happens in that most secret of organisations, The Masons, is actually a secret but what is not so unknown is their history through the centuries. Research by Masonic historians suggests that the movement originated somewhen around the fifteenth century.

Featured Image(above): The same Masons a week later at the meeting

Documents known as the old charge which dates from the Regius Poem allude to the membership of a lodge of operative Masons relating a mythological history of the craft, the duties of its grades and the manner in which oaths are taken by new members. The first evidence of ceremonial regalia is also from that period.

The oldest Masonic Lodge in the world is thought to be the Lodge of Edinburgh No 1 and the minutes from it show a continuity from an operative lodge in 1598 to a modern speculative lodge. Many efforts have been made to discover the true origins Masonry and Thomas De Quincey theorised in his work, ‘Rosicrucians and Freemasonry” that the movement was possibly an outgrowth of Rosicrucianism and this was also taken up by the German professor J.G. Buhle in 1803.

masonic lodge history masons free masons

Practising for a meeting are Noel Justo(L), Ron Leth (Master) and immediate past master Ray Collet

As I have said, nobody other than the Masons really knows what goes on except that their meetings abound with rituals, secret passwords, signs and grips and, as was discovered when a camera was allowed into the local lodge, they even have practices before a meeting. Bribie Island Masonic Lodge Master Ron Leth said that new members are always welcome and he encourages Masons who have retired to the area to make contact.

‘Anyone who would like to inquire about Freemasonry should call 5497 5856 for details.

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