Bribie Island Fishing 1

Fishing bribie island

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Tags: Fishing. Bribie Island. Tide Times. Fishing Spots.

Reel Life – Fishing

Seeing as it’s Status Quo in the passage, instead of repeating myself I thought that as we have had some good weather I will do an outside and northern bay report. The northern bay close to Bribie is teaming with fish at the moment, whiting being the main fish out there, and with those whiting come the predator fish like the tailor.

The area around the Cockle Banks is a great place to target tailor as they love nothing better than munching on the smaller winter whiting. Another nearby tailor spot in the northern bay is Cooks Rocks.

The bottom habitat in this area is sand and weed which is an ideal ground for baitfish which in turn the tailor. This time of the year snapper share the waters with the tailor, especially around Cooks.

If its snapper you want to chase the waters over on the inside of Moreton is teeming with these sort after fish. Their size ranges from under the legal limit of 35cm to around the 80cm mark.

Harrison Reynolds of Ningi with a dart from up the surf beach on Bribie.

Good catches have been reported from all along the inside of Moreton from Bulwer to the sand hills to the south. Bag limits are being reached with no problem (just to remind you of the bag limit it’s 4 per person with only one fish over 70cm). Out on the outer side of Moreton, there have been some schools of trevally patrolling the area. There are many different species of trevally that can be caught in these waters with GT’s, (giant trevally) tea leaf trevally, and gold spot trevally being the bigger types.

Dave Talbot with flathead caught & released in Ningi Creek.

With silver and bludger trevally the smaller fish around the area. The better areas for these fish are Smith’s Rock, Brennan’s Shoal and Robert’s Shoal as well as Hutchinson’s Shoal further to the north.

These areas are also great spots to fish the bottom for normal reef species like cod, snapper, emperor varieties as well as all the different wrasse species it can make for a pretty mixed bag.

On your way over always have a metal slug close by as there are still a few tuna schools popping up. In the bay, you will get longtail and mac tuna and on the outside reefs, you can also get yellowfin tuna.

Alesha Sands with two massive passage snapper.

Yellowfin tuna are the best eating of the three species we get but there is nothing wrong with a piece of long tail. Mac tuna make great bait as their flesh is very bloody which all different reef species love.

Just recently, we got a Bream caught at Bongaree Jetty weighing in at 875 grams. Out wide of Moreton Island there was a Spanish Mackerel caught at 10.8 Kilos and a Snapper weighing in at 5.5 Kilos.

David Keenan with a great trevally from out off Moreton. Fish was released after the picture taken.

There’s still a lot of flathead over here up by Turners camp going up towards Ningi Creek. The odd Tailor getting caught but as far as I can tell and from what I’ve been told they’re not there yet. A few Snapper have been caught down at the ripples, but seeing is believing!

Tide Times

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