Bribie Island Fishing REPORT and tide times Dec 2019

By Vin Donovan

Fishing spots and tide times. Bribie Island. Moreton Bay. Brisbane. Redcliffe. Deception Bay

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Tags: Fishing report. Tide Times. Bribie Island. Moreton Bay.

Wow, its Christmas time again. School holidays at Christmas means boating and hitting the beaches with the kids and family. I hope all you guys get out there with your family and friends and enjoy what this beautiful area has to offer.

Camping up Ocean Beach, heading up the passage to Caloundra in the boat, or cruising around Moreton Island in the boat for a week are all things that we can enjoy in the local area. There are so many awesome camping spots you can access in a boat or even better, having a boat big enough for a couple of swags or even better beds in it.

That way you can get away from the noisy crowds. Over December and January with the increase in traffic throughout the passage and bay, always keep a good eye out for pretty much anybody and anything. Kayakers, paddle boarders, jet skis, boats, yachts, swimmers, tubers, kite surfers, jetty jumpers, plus a few others thrown in as well. Another thing to be aware of is the increase in animal activity in the bay and passage.

Fishing report. Tide Times. Bribie Island. Moreton Bay.It is early on in the storm season and already we have seen some wild weather systems and hot windy gusty days. With so many people on the water over Christmas time, it can get pretty hard to get a fish. The best bet is to fish from late afternoon till early morning. During the day you can still get up the many passage creeks and find a quiet spot.

The jacks and cod have been smashing baits and lures, with these hot humid days producing some nice fish out of the passage. Working Live baits, lures and topwater the best bet of catching a mangrove Jack. The big flatties are also thick in the passage with anywhere from Buckley’s hole right up to the Caloundra bar are producing the goods. There are some beautiful spots up past Lime Pocket campsites and up past the mouth of Coochin Creek, where you will be pretty much by yourself.

Pretty much any bait for the flatties there not that fussy. The summer whiting is also on the chew with live blood worms and yabbies being the only bait to really use. Whiting will definitely hit topwater or small plastics if worked in the right areas. Keep your eyes out also with trevally and big queenies potentially turning up anywhere in the passage.

The muddies have also been getting bigger and fuller and the Decembers full moon tides should produce the goods. We walk or kayak our pots well up past where most people can get, some spots I kayak up then get out and walk the pots up the swamp. Offshore when the weather has been ok the pelagics have been going off with wahoo, Spanish mackerel, cobia, marlin, tuna, and dolphin fish all getting taken.

Live baits, jigging and trolling skirts/hardbodies getting fish. In the bay, the schoolies and spotty’s have been getting thick with hopefully the longtail not too far behind. There still has been the odd Longie around but generally of late been very spooky. Approach upwind and preferably with an electric motor that will help.

Don’t bang and clang in the boat when chasing longies as they can be very timid and sometimes a frustrating fish to catch. Anyway, I hope everybody has a great and wonderful Christmas and new year period. And I’ll catch you all next year or maybe on the water? “So, remember don’t destroy what you came to enjoy and tight lines!”

Tide Times

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