Bribie Island Fishing spots and Tide Times

By Vin Donovan

fishing spots bribie island

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Tags: Bribie Island Fishing. Fishing Boating and Camping. Fishing Spots. Moreton Bay. Tide Times. Queensland. Brisbane
See the latest Bribie Island Fishing Report & Tide Times Late Oct 2019


Well, yet again another month went by with pretty much similar patterns to last months weather of deepening areas of low pressure moving around the coral seas pushing some big swells and winds up and down the Queensland coast.

Featured Image (above): Millsy with another great mangrove jack taken from his secret jack spot!

There has been the odd day of good weather thrown in, but few and far between. We have also seen some great rainfall totals around the area flushing the creeks and rivers. This amount of rain has been perfect for fishing, crabbing and prawning in the area.

In the Pummistone Passage there have been some great catches of mud and sand crabs. Try the main channels and creek drains throughout the passage for the muddies as most are wandering back up the creeks and passage after the rains.

For the Sandcrabs try the Deception bay/entry to the passage area right up to Mission Point sandbanks. Fishing in the passage has been really good after the rain and the number of prawns in the passage is unreal.

fishing spots bribie island

Beautiful eating venus tusk fish taken off Caloundra

Whiting, flattys, sweetlips, moses perch, bream, jewfish, estuary cod, squire, trevally and mangrove jacks all feasting on the prawns. The sandbanks and beaches for the whiting and flattys. Try the deep low tide drop-offs for the bigger duskys. Mangrove jacks and nice estuary cod around the snags, rock bars and pontoons in the creeks and canals.

Jewies, estuary cod and squire around cooks rocks, the bridge, the ripples and the Bongaree ledge. Live baits or fresh squid is the go for jewies, estuary cod are generally not that fussy. Crabs, live bait, flesh baits, fish frames or big squid good bait for estuary cod. Sweetlip, squire, moses perch and tusk fish getting caught on the various little patches of reef and coffee rock in the passage.

It’s amazing to actually free dive the passage when the visibilty is good and see how much coral and reef structure is actually in the passage. A favourite thing to do after dark for myself and the kids is to walk the waterfront with a cast net or scoop net and spotlight the coffee rock patches and the ledge.

fishing spots bribie island

Yummo prawn cutlets

It’s amazing to see the diversity and abundance of creatures in our backyard. On most occasions we come back with tiger squid, sand crabs, muddies, flattys, whiting and even painted crayfish at times.

We usually encounter stingrays, big bailer shell’s, shovelnose sharks, porcupine fish, flute fish, eels, sea snakes and even rare and endangered baby loggerhead turtle babies. The old aboriginal fish traps off sandstone point is also a favourite place of mine to go walking and spotlighting the flats at night.

No wind, good water visibility, wet boots, castnet/scoop net and a good bright headlight is all you need. I’ve also made a wrap around your neck keeper bag to store your catch. I also take some crab tying string as well as generally we come across some huge big muddies too.

I usually tie the male legal muddies up and tie them off to a mangrove tree or tie the tied crab up to a rock etc then on my way back I collect the crabs tied up to the tree/rocks. As the weather has been a bit blowy over the last month, getting offshore to chase the pelagics and reefies has been challenging.

When the weather has been good some nice fish have been taken around the Cape Moreton reefs and Caloundra reef systems. Parrot, moses perch, mairo cod, sweetlip, yellowtail kings, husser and estuary cod have been the main species getting taken. Snapper and pearlies still biting out on the 100m mark off tempest and wide Caloundra.

In the bay, the estuary cod have been quite prolific with some big specimens going over the 30kg mark. Most fish over 20kg we release as they generally lose their quality and flavour when they get that big, up to 15kg is generally the best eating size for the cod. The baitfish in the bay and passage at present has been phenomenal.

With this much food in and around the bay and passage makes catching the fish a little bit tougher. The big bannanaries have been out the front of Nudgee and Shorncliffe over the last month or so and should hang around for another month or two. Usually, the slack tide in the bay is the best for chasing big banana prawns.

tide times brisbane

Matt Beveridge with a solid canal estuary cod

Usually there are up to 200 boats plus out there, so generally, it can get pretty hectic out there. Sounding up the schools of prawns away from the masses of boats is the best bet. With the temperature dropping a bit over the next month we should see some nice weather to get out and enjoy this great backyard and hopefully catch a feed of fresh seafood.

Tight lines and “don’t destroy what you come to enjoy”

Tide Times

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