Fishing Report – November 1, 2024


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Snapper are still running red hot, with predictable catches being the norm. Most anglers are catching their bag limits in one or two hours of fishing. Bigger baits are producing bigger fish, with fillets of Bonito, Mackerel, Tailor and Mullet all The passage is always reliable for breadand-butter species. B

en and his daughter Ella had a great father-and-daughter day floating around the passage, accumulating a great mixed bag with a couple of crabs in the mix. As the water starts to warm, crabs are starting to move about. It’s a good working well. Prawns and Yabbies have also managed a couple of reds and are great fun on light gear. Filleting fish to eat is sometimes harder than it looks, with blunt knives being a large part of the problem. If you are struggling to remove time to start dropping pots. The biggest whiting is going 415mm, which is a cracker.

Any combination of bait will work Yabbies, prawns, worms or a fillet of a pilchard; mullet will see you come up tight. It’s worth trying to come down on your line class to 6lb and, even better, 4lb line, which is a good fillet, remember whole fried fish is delicious. Score sides of fish, rub in salt and dust with corn flour. Pan-fry in light oil until the flesh is white and firm. With absolutely zero waste as bones are easily removed almost invisible to fish, resulting in a lot more hookups. Rods with a slow taper are quite whippy and allow the fish to run without breaking the line. A 1000 to 2500 reel with a smooth drag is all that’s needed to catch a quality feed of fish.

Flathead has been on the chew, and larger than average fish have been caught. The next generation of anglers is already putting us on notice with great catches. I’m always impressed by how young anglers can master catching fish with ease, and it won’t be long before they outfish most of us. Jett once again has managed a 56cm flathead on a lightly weighted pilly, And Ella managed for some a fish of a lifetime, landing a 79cm flathead on half a pilchard. Ella’s flathead was perfectly supported for a quick photo before being safely released back into the passage. Great effort, guys.