By The Bribie Islander Gloss Magazine

Charity - Bribie Island - BUSY FINGERS

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Busy Fingers Fundraising is well known on Bribie Island for its generous support of local clubs and charities. One of the latest recipients of Busy Fingers aid is the Bribie Pickleball Club. President Harry Fielding and Vice President in charge of development, Peter Fielding, wish to express their deep appreciation that their grant application for assistance to purchase basic equipment such as nets, balls, and paddles (bats) was recently granted in full by the Busy Fingers fundraising committee.

The Bribie Pickleball Club is a fledgling organization established in October last year. With Moreton Bay Council support, it uses temporary courts behind the U3A Recreation Hall in First Avenue, while more permanent possibilities are being explored. Up until the Busy Fingers grant was obtained, the Bribie club has been using borrowed gear and the members are thrilled to be able to now use their own equipment.

Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and the sport in Australia is also growing very quickly. In just 4 months, pickleball on Bribie Island has attracted more than 80 players who participate in both club activities and games run through the Bribie Island U3A. Whilst it attracts a lot of senior players (because of the moderate exercise and well-documented health benefits), it is a game suited to all ages. The inaugural national championships were held in Sydney last year and participants were from 15 through 76 years old.

Peter and Harry Fielding with a small sample of the gear provided by Busy Fingers

The second national championships will be held in Noosa in October this year. Pickleball was invented in the USA in the mid-1960s and now has over 3 million players in that country alone. It is played both indoor and outdoor on a badminton-size court with the net just a fraction lower than a tennis net. A plastic ball, similar to a whiffle ball is used. The game is named after Pickles, a dog owned by the family who invented the game. Apparently, Pickles used to enjoy the game as much as the humans who were playing and was a great retriever of wayward balls!

Professional tennis players have turned to pickleball and Pat Cash recently gave the game a ringing endorsement. It is an easy and enjoyable game to learn, but a word of caution: you may become addicted! If you want to try your hand at playing or just come along to watch, contact Harry Fielding (0409131395) or Peter Fielding (0401780928) or email [email protected] for details of playing times and venues. You can also just google “pickleball” to see videos of the game in action.

Next articleThe Bribie Winelander March 2019
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