Fundraiser – RSL – Hair Cut and Shave

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander

Shave for fundraising. Bribie Island RSL. Neighbourhood center.

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Tags: Shave for fundraising. Bribie Island RSL. Neighbourhood center. Rotary Club.


In the April/May edition of The Mini Bribie Islander, I told about how Bellara resident Doug Philp would be having both his hair and beard removed as a means of raising funds that can be put toward helping those who are homeless and when the cut/shave happened at the Bribie RSL recently, the hair fell down as the value of the donations went up.

Featured Image(above): Trust me Doug, I know how to do this – Michael Mathews
doing his best to look like a professional

The event was held in the RSL Sports Bar and, as Doug sat calmly on his chair, his locks fell victim to the scissors and clippers operated by several keen Rotarians and a couple of friends. Once those who were involved had all demonstrated their prowess (or lack thereof) as an amateur barber, the very capable Brittany from Blondies Hair Salon gave her time to make sure that Doug’s head was completely sans hair.

Having been aware that Rotary is an organisation which ensures that all funds raised go to the intended recipient, Doug had enlisted the assistance of the Rotary Club of Bribie Island for the event and while his hair was being removed, Rotarians moved through the various parts of the RSL, collecting donations in their red buckets.

After the cutting/shaving had come to an end, Doug paid tribute to all who had helped him with his fundraising efforts and said that whilst the amateurs did a reasonable job, he was a bit thankful for Brittany’s professional input at the end. Donations to the event totalled an impressive $666 at the end of the count and, as a wonderful addition, the Rotary Club of Bribie Island contributed a further $500, making the total amount raised a very welcome $1,166.

As the Bribie Island and District Neighbourhood Centre is so committed to providing assistance to those who find themselves in a situation of homelessness, Doug and the members of Rotary had made the decision to give the funds raised to the centre and, during a small ceremony later in the week which was attended by a group of local Rotarians as well as Doug Philp and centre representatives, Neighbourhood Centre Counsellor Lindy McAndrew was presented with a cheque for $1,166 by Rotary President Jeff Eustace.

After expressing her appreciation of the efforts by both Doug and the Rotarians, Lindy explained that as the end of the financial year was approaching, the centre’s funds were beginning to dwindle and the added funds would make the provision of necessary services just that much easier.

Anyone who is facing difficulties should make contact with the Bribie Island and District Neighbourhood Centre by calling them on 3408 8440 or paying a visit to them at 9 Verdoni Street in Bellara. The centre is open each weekday except Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.

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