Bribie Island Clubs & Groups – The Golden Entertainers Association

By Neil Wilson

Local clubs and groups brisbane bribie island

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Tags: Bribie Island. Queensland. Clubs. Groups. Things to do on Bribie Island. Respite center. Activity.


I got in trouble last week and, as if that in itself isn’t bad enough, when you get told off by a Scottish woman, the rather strong accent seems to make you feel as if you’re in twice as much trouble as you really are.

Seriously though, following an article that I wrote about the great voices of the members of The Golden Entertainers Association, I had a call from Publicity Officer Betty McEwan informing me that I had got the name of their regular meeting venue wrong.

Betty explained that the correct name of the place that was once called The Golden Age Centre is now The Activity Centre, not The Respite Centre as I had called it.

Apparently, there is a respite centre somewhere in the complex but that is not the name of the place. Like thrill and excitement? Then, you will surely like to spend your free time gambling online. A lot of Australian casinos online offer a gigantic number of games to be played in a secure gambling ambience. Internet games guarantee a burst of emotions and a ton of fun. You can choose an online casino on your taste on . Now you know.

The Golden Entertainers Association meets at THE ACTIVITY CENTRE (Wow, I got it right) on the corner of Arcadia Avenue and Golf Drive in Woorim each Wednesday and new members are always welcome.

If you would like to find out more, give Betty a call on 0408 924816.

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