By Laurie Burns


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Familiar old sayings such as “good as gold, cheaper than chips” have long been around in the Aussie vernacular but “beauty vs burglary” is not normally as common as maybe it should. The past 23 years living on our beautiful island, 14 of which have been on the waterfront, has shown the writer both the beauty and the beast of burglary by uncaring individuals who often cause havoc in the lives of the innocents.

Whether on water or not we all need to be watchful both day and night, but particularly in the dark hours when our homes are more vulnerable. The police have always done their best to round up these offenders, and having “Neighbourhood Watch” in our area is a bonus. It is up to the residents either singularly or in community groups to help us.

Bribie and its nearby areas like Beachmere, Toorbul and Donnybrook and the homes in Ningi and beyond need to look seriously at their security making sure that their homes are securely locked is a good start. Lighting is the best security available. Almost all waterfront properties have lighting available on their pontoons or waterfront gardens but very few take advantage of the effects that lights have on would-be intruders and the beauty that the lights create.

Locals have told me that electricity is too expensive or lights are just not necessary until they suffer the trauma of a break-in or even an assault. Many have lost their cars and household valuables and some have been hospitalised. Many homes have auto day/night switches fitted on their pontoon lights and others have beautiful rock garden and wall lights. The present low voltage high output and cost-efficient globes have a long life.

These globes help keep electricity prices down and security up. Solar security lights are also very effective. Irrespective of where we live thieves could be watching – double check your locks and turn on your lights. The writer has seen evidence of the trauma foisted on innocent residents by break-ins and everyone should be watchful.

Many locals are retired and enjoying the quieter life whilst others have young families…. our area has a wonderful smorgasbord of newly arrived and longstanding residents who need protection. Pontoons and front gardens often hold a multitude of toys – tinnies, kayaks, canoes, and jet skis, bikes and toys are left lying outside to be easily scooped up on the road front by quick-thinking opportunists.

We are so fortunate to live in such beautiful areas so we need to do our best to be safe, happy and secure. Let us help ourselves and aid the police with their overstretched workload.

A good slogan could be, “lights on and lock up for security.”

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