By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander


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Working Together Group

For the month of October, the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre “Artist of the Month” becomes Artists of the month, namely the twenty-two members that meet weekly as the Contemporary Art Practices Working Together Group to enjoy the freedom of improvisation and experimentation, ultimately producing a diverse variety of works.

Featured Image(above): Tiger by Dawn Farrell

As this monthly feature includes a requirement for the artist to provide a talk about their work and motivation, the CAP group chose member Sue Davy to represent them for the presentation and, although Sue made a point of letting her audience know about just how nervous she was, she did a wonderful job of not only holding everyone’s attention but also explaining what the group is all about.

Sue began by relating her experiences as a teacher in Alice Springs where she was given the task of teaching art to a class of rather unruly fourteen-year-old students. She explained that by teaching them about the value of trust and integrity and subsequently the importance of being able to recognise tones and patterns in their art, she ended up with a group that all produced work to be proud of. ‘I couldn’t fault what they had done so when assessment time came around, I gave them all an “A,”’ said Sue.

Sue Davy held everyone’s attention with her enjoyable talk

‘Despite a firm direction to the contrary from the Deputy Principal, I refused to alter my grading and his attitude made me feel as though I was on another planet,’ she remarked. Talking about a much more recent time in her life, Sue told all present about when, as the president of an art society, she was confronted with people who were judgemental of others, not because of the art that they produced, but because of personal issues. ‘They were against allowing some artists to hang their work in the gallery,’ Sue said.

Mt Gillen at Dusk by Sue Davy

Artist of the Month Coordinator Debra Mieth inspecting the group’s display

‘The way that they carried on made me feel once again like I was on another planet,’ she added. Moving on to when she first walked into the Contemporary Art Practices Group’s meeting, Sue said that the atmosphere was just so refreshing with people encouraging each other and never criticising. ‘I finally felt like I was on the right planet,’ she pointed out. ‘I really like the planet that I’m on now so I think that I will be staying for a while,’ she said with a smile.

Flow by Tineke Berghofer

Whilst the Contemporary Art Practices Working Together Group sessions are sometimes structured, there is no tutor and the membership showcases a wealth of talent with some being qualified teachers or tutors and others having been art prize winners. The group holds exhibitions throughout the region including their annual Eclectica display in the Mathew Flinders Gallery at the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre. The centre is on Sunderland Drive in Banksia Beach and is open from Tuesday to Sunday. Information about the various activities at the centre can be obtained by either paying a visit or by a call to 3408 9288.

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