By Anne Matthews Public Relations Director, Bribie Rotary


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EarlyAct is a school-wide service club for primary school students. It is sponsored by a local Rotary club in the township in which the school is located. The mission and operation of EarlyAct are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary. The Rotary Club of Bribie Island established the Earlyact Club at Bribie Island State School in 2013. The club currently has 28 members and the Board consists of Year 4 and 5 students.

Featured Image(above): EarlyAct Teachers and Students with Rotary members selling raffle tickets at the Rotary Markets in Brennan Park

Bribie Island State School and the Rotary Club of Bribie Island are so proud of their EarlyAct members who throughout Term 3 have raised $4,337 for Australia’s Drought-stricken farmers. Under the leadership of teachers Kim Hatfield and Rosi Riek and assisted by our Club’s Youth Director June Sturges and Chaplain Ken Piva the EarlyAct members organised four events.

Wear a “Flannie for a Farmer” was held on Friday 24 August and raised $753.60. The entire school participated in this event and wore a flannel shirt and gave a gold coin donation. $1,644 was raised at school venues such as the disco and tuck shop, the sale of muffins raised $571.50 and the raffle, with prizes generously donated by local businesses, raised $1,367. One of the Club’s ongoing projects is a vegetable garden which they cultivate and harvest and then sell the produce to parents and teachers.

Students who joined in the fun on “Wear a Flannie for a Farmer” Day

At a recent meeting, the “EarlyActers” built a scarecrow, dressed him in a flannel shirt and placed him in the vegetable garden in order to raise awareness of the “Wear a Flannie for a Farmer” Day. These students are an inspiration to us all and with their enthusiasm and commitment, they epitomise the aims of the EarlyAct program. They demonstrated that they are caring and helpful and were able to complete a project that will benefit the Australian farmers.

Through Rotary, 100% of this money will be delivered to the National Farmer’s Federation (NFF). NFF will then supply fodder and water for the livestock and help Farmers with everyday expenses and give them access to health and financial support services. EarlyAct is proud to have contributed to the Drought Appeal but couldn’t have raised so much without the support of our local community and businesses.

Bribie Rotary President John Oxenford, Youth Director June Sturges and EarlyAct Board members drawing the raffle at School Assembly

They would like to thank local businesses who so generously donated raffle prizes and supported the fundraising efforts. In particular BBQ Boats Bribie Island, Bribie Twin Cinemas, Pacific Harbour Golf and Country Club, Savige’s Seafood, Allround Angler and Izzy Fizzys.

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