The Bribie Celtic Fiddlers – A PROMISE THAT LIVES ON

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander


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Remembrance Day in 2018 marks one hundred years since the end of conflict in World War 1 and following the customary observation of one minute’s silence at 11 am and other associated services to commemorate the day, those who come along to @ The Jetty Restaurant in the afternoon will be entertained by the talented musicians who make up The Bribie Celtic Fiddlers.

Featured Image(above): Celtic Fiddlers member John Boland playing a tune on his eight-string banjo

Fiddlers spokesperson John Boland explained to me that, due to the importance of the day, members have made the decision to use the occasion as a way to raise funds for Legacy. Representatives from Legacy will be collecting donations during the afternoon and @ The Jetty management is donating $3.50 from each meal toward the fundraising. ‘the planned meal is braised beef cheeks with vegetables followed by Anzac cookies in brandy sauce,’ said John.

‘The Celtic Fiddlers will be entertaining from 2 pm until 4 pm with a break at 2.50 pm for a pianist and vocalist to perform three Vera Lynn songs, the words of which will be printed on the placemats at each table. While they are performing, I will be moving around the tables with a mobile mike and whichever table does the best job of singing along will win a bottle of wine,’ he told me. John pointed out that, having been a Legacy ward after his father passed away as a result of wounds suffered during World War II, he realises the importance of what the organisation does and the ever-present need for additional funding.

‘Legacy was founded in 1923 because of a promise to “look after the missus and kids” that a digger made to his mate in the trenches of World War 1 and that more or less describes what they have been doing ever since,’ said John. ‘They support thousands of Queensland widows and children whose loved ones have lost their lives or health whilst serving in our country’s defence forces.

There are more than 150 war widows on Bribie Island and many more veterans,’ he added. The Celtic Fiddlers have been regular entertainers in the area for some time after being founded by Ross Lister and John mentioned that, whilst there are usually only about five or six that attend practice, at their gigs there can be up to fifteen who join them on stage. If anyone would like to enquire about booking this great band of talented musicians, they are welcome to give John Boland a call on 0422 770 252.

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