For a number of years, many within the community have benefited from the outstanding generosity of a local organisation which is funded by money made by the sale of plants at its completely volunteer operated nursery. Not only has the Wallum Action Group supplied countless diabetes pumps and bought wheelchairs for use at the Caboolture Hospital, but they have also paid for the training of an assistance dog for a little girl and provided funding for many other worthy causes.
Featured Image(above): Representatives of Banksia Beach School, Bribie Community Kindy and Beachmere State School were presented with a defibrillator
Among their other donations has been their annual contribution to the Camp Quality project and this year at the Camp Quality picnic in Brennan Park, they once again handed over a cheque for $15,000 to this very worthwhile cause. Another ongoing project has been the donation of defibrillators to various groups and in the past, this has included the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre, the Sandstone Point Community Association, the Bribie Island and District Neighbourhood Centre and the Bribie Island Respite Service.
Earlier in December, the Wallum Action Group presented another three defibrillators to Narelle Dawson from the Bribie Community Kindy, Dianne Carpenter and Shellie Sorrell from the Beachmere State School and Melissa Robinson from Banksia Beach School. Action group President David Wearne has told me that there will be more defibrillators handed out in the near future.
The Wallum Action Group presented a $15,000 cheque to Camp Quality recently
The Wallum Action Group Community Nursery can be found in First Avenue at Bongaree next to the Orchid House. The nursery offers a great variety of plants for sale at very reasonable prices. Open from 8 am until 11 am each weekday, the nursery welcomes enquiries from anyone who would like to become a volunteer or wishes to dispose of unwanted plants. Further information about this wonderful organisation can be obtained by making a call to 0407 699 953.
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