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For over two decades, the focus on Fellowship (Bribie Island Ecumenical Women’s Group) has remained a beacon of unity and faith. Comprised of dedicated Christian women from 8 churches on Bribie Island, the group’s unwavering focus is on fostering fellowship and extending love, peace, and hope to the broader Bribie Island community.

When they first came together all those years ago, they decided that the group didn’t want to lose sight of the initial goal of fellowship; they are about information sharing, collaborating and demonstrating ecumenism, friendship and togetherness.

Unlike traditional groups, Focus on Fellowship operates without a formal hierarchy or fundraising activities. They don’t have a president, secretary, or treasurer, nor do they sell raffle tickets or charge for functions. Yet, they successfully fulfil their purpose, demonstrating the power of unity and shared values.

They convene three functions a year. The annual fashion parade is held in June at the Church of the Little Flower on First Avenue. The parade showcases and promotes the Op shops on the Island and their good work in raising funds for a variety of welfare organisations. Over 300 people enjoy fashion, food, and fun at the parade, which is always well-attended.

The group also holds two morning teas, one in April and the other in October. The morning teas are held at the different churches on a rotating basis. The group ask that guests bring a small plate of food to share at functions, and the spread provided is most enjoyable.

Anne Iverson and Kay Benson are inaugural members of Focus on Fellowship and continue to enjoy working with the amazing women of all the churches. The women remain passionate and dedicated to the group and to each other through their faith and care for the community.