March Community Events Calendar

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Tag: Community events Bribie Island. Events. Tourist Destination Queensland

To have your events listed on this calendar, email to [email protected]

FIRST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Lion’s Club of Sandstone Point Car Boot
Market: 6-11am. Car park Sandstone Point Oval (next to IGA). Cost $10.00 a stall. Bookings: 0435 017 752.

EVERY MONDAY TO FRIDAY- Bribie Butterfly Volunteers Inc.:9am-1pm, Every Mon
to Fri. Volunteer your time to help with the running of BribieButterfly House community
project. PH: Ray 0409 491 419

Progress Avenue. 1.15pm-4pm. Cost $4 includes 3 games of bowls & afternoon tea. Ph
0414 088 358

EVERY MONDAY for 6 weeks from 5th February to 12th March from 1pm to 3 pm Loss
and Grief Support … Suffering from a loss and the grief that that brings? Learn about
coping in a “Seasons” Loss and Grief Support Group. Enquirers to Margaret on 5497 6978.

MONDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY – Alcoholics Anonymous meets on Bribie Island three times per week. Monday – I.D. – 7.30pm – Church of Christ hall. Corner of Fifth Ave and Foley st Bongaree. Thursday – 12 steps and 12 traditions – 7.30pm – Church of Christ hall. Corner of Fifth ave and Foley st Bongaree. Friday – I.D. – 7.30pm – Banksia Lodge. Corner of Sunderland drive and Solander esp Banksia Beach. Contacts: Jaime 0438 622 545 or Steve on 0409 560 561.

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY – Bribie Island Bicycle User Group (Bribie
BUG) offers easy rides 8 am Mondays, 6 am Wednesdays and 8 am Saturdays. Rides leave
Information Centre, Benabrow Avenue, Bellara. Contact Robert on 0407 258 569.

EVERY MONDAY – Multicultural English. Every Monday 9am-12pm. 9 Verdoni Street,
Bellara. Ph. 3408 8440

EVERY MONDAY – Bribie Island and District Neighbourhood Centre: Mondays 5 pm.
Smart Recovery (from addiction/s) Group Mondays 1.15pm. ‘Feel great, Get things done:
Me time for Women’

EVERY FOURTH MONDAY – Bribie Island National Seniors meets at the Bribie Island
RSL Function room 9 a.m. to 9.30 am start fourth Monday of each month excluding
February and February Phone Coral 3408 6152

EVERY FOURTH MONDAY – Bribie Island Bush Poets meet on the 4th Monday of each
month at 6.30 at the Blue Pacific Hotel, Woorim. Everyone is welcome to come along and
present poetry or just listen. Enquiries: Cay 3408 3219.

EVERY TUESDAY – Girl Guides: Meet every Tuesday. Contact Teresa: 0408 208 868

EVERY 2ND & 4TH TUESDAY – Seniors Social Coffee: Meet at Coffee Club 10 am, Coffee
& Chat. Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.

EVERY FOURTH WEDNESDAY – Bribie Is Over 50’s Travel Club meets 10 am 4th Wed of
the month at Bribie Is Bowls Club. All welcome. Call John 3408 6365.

EVERY WEDNESDAY – Baby Rhyme Time: Every Wednesday, 10 am @ Bribie Library.

EVERY 2ND & 4TH FRIDAY – Pumicestone Ukulele: 4pm – 5.30pm. 2nd & 4th Friday
each month. (14th & 28th January) Recreation Hall (U3A building). 156 First Avenue

EVERY 2ND & 4TH FRIDAY – Market Stall.: 9 am – 11 am. Church of Christ hall.Fifth &
Foley Street. Pumicestone Ukulele Group. 5 pm – 7 pm. At Uniting Church every 2nd & 4th

EVERY SECOND SUNDAY – Country Links hold their monthly concert on the second
Sunday of each month commencing 12 noon at the Bribie Activity Centre (formally Golden
Age) 96-108 Arcadia Ave., Woorim. For further information contact Janice 0403 481 943.

EVERY 3RD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH – Train Rides. Melsa Park, Toorbul Street,
Bongaree. 10 am – 2.30 pm. Community Markets. Brennan Park, Bongaree.

SUNDAY, 11TH MARCH – ROTARY MARKET, Brennan Park, Bongaree. Phone 0406 373 218.

WEDNESDAY, 14 & 28 MARCH – Craft Group, 1.30 pm at Beachmere Uniting Church, Cnr
Moreton Tce & Second Ave. Bring your craft. Gold coin donation. 0417 067 992

FRIDAY, 2 MARCH – Storytime Sessions: 10 am – 11 am. Fridays & Saturdays @ Bribie

SATURDAY, 3 MARCH – Bribie Island Baptist Church Men’s Breakfasts: 7 am. $5. Bribie
Island Baptist Church. Phone 3408 3779 (John) for bookings. Many thanks for doing this
service… John Doak, Convenor Men’s Ministries Bribie Island Baptist Church.

SUNDAY, 4 MARCH – Cancer Council Markets: Brennan Park, Welsby. Parade.

TUESDAY, 6 MARCH – Bribie Island Family History Interest Group: 1 pm – 3 pm will be
meeting in the Anzac Room, Bribie Island RSL Club.

WEDNESDAY 7 MARCH – The Banksia Garden Club meets at the Bribie Island
Community Arts Centre, Sunderland drive, from 9.15 – noon. Guest speaker is Geoff
Robinson talking on Day Lilies. All welcome phone Desley 3408 8470 or Bev 3408 7882.

WEDNESDAY, 7 MARCH – Vietnam Veteran’s Association: Meeting at 9 am.
Recreational Hall. 156 First Avenue. Ph: 3408 0405

THURSDAY, 8 MARCH – Ecumenical Children’s Choir: Children aged 4 to 18, practice
3:30pm-5pm every Thursday at Bribie Uniting Church.

THURSDAY, 8 FEBRUARY – Bribie Island Family History Interest Group: 10 am – 12
noon will be meeting in the Anzac Room, Bribie Island RSL Club.

SUNDAY 11 MARCH – ROTARY MARKET, Brennan Park, Bongaree. Phone 0406 373 218

WEDNESDAY, 14 MARCH Bribie Island Historical Society meets at 6:30 pm in the
ANZAC Room, Bribie Island RSL. All Welcome – we meet the second Wednesday of each

SUNDAY, 25 MARCH – Bribie Vibe Arts & Craft Market: Bribie Island Community Arts
Centre, Sunderland Dr Banksia Beach. Markets are held on the last Sunday of every

MONDAY, 26 MARCH – Bribie Island National Seniors meets at the Bribie Island RSL
Function room 9 a.m. to 9.30 am start fourth Monday of each month excluding December
and February Phone Coral 3408 6152

MONDAY, 26 MARCH – Bribie Bush Poets.: Blue Pacific Hotel, Woorim at 6.30. More
info call Cay on 3408 3219

WEDNESDAY, 28 MARCH – Loud ‘ the Library.: 5 pm – 7 pm. Bribie Island library. For 13
– 17-year-olds. Hang with mates and play computer and console games. Listen to music or
join in activities.

DONATE A BOOK APPEAL: Help make a difference to a child with the gift of a book.
Place a new book or gold coin donation in the collection box at any Library.

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A highly successful sales and leadership career working in a number of different and very competitive industries. Engaging with decision makers at all levels in business and government. Three decades employed by corporations, SME businesses in senior roles and almost twelve years operating as a freelance contractor has equipped me well for all aspects of business. Whether leading and mentoring sales teams, or in a direct sales role I enjoy the challenge to meet and exceed expectations. Making a real and tangible difference in either a team environment or as an individual is an important personal goal I have consistently achieved throughout my career. In all of my business and personal dealings over the years there is one issue that stands out above all others - communication. Excellent communication skills creates trust, helps with mutually beneficial outcomes and above all cements long lasting positive relationships. I strive everyday to communicate effectively with the people I encounter.