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Often referred to as the World’s first social networking organisation, Rotary was founded by Paul Harris in Chicago in 1905. Today, Rotary International (RI) is one of the World’s leading charities and it has 1.2 million members, in 36,158 clubs in 220 countries/geographic areas of the World. Unfortunately, many people have found that their local Rotary Club, which is a traditional predominantly white anglo Saxon Protestant Club, is not a good fit for them.

However, there is now an innovative new alternative to a traditional Rotary Club. It is called a Passport Club. As the name implies, a Passport Club gives its members a ‘licence’ to serve in many communities and assist other Rotary Clubs by donating time and skills to support a local Club’s Fundraisers. In short, Passport Clubs offer more volunteer opportunities and fewer meetings. A Passport Club fits the needs of busy people who do not have time to attend meetings, but still want to ‘Do good in the World’ and help those in need.

A Passport Club allows its members to use their skills, talents, and time when they can. We are flexible and allow Rotary to fit in with our members lives. Everything we do is transparent. If we say money is raised for a particular cause, that is where the money goes.

Each year, we ask our members to attend only a few Zoom meetings and to participate in 30-40 hours of service in their community. This service can be with a Rotary Club or with other service providers.

Our Passport Club d9560, the first Australian Passport Club has several clusters. For example, on Bribie Island we have five members who get together to organise events. Likewise, there is a cluster in Emerald, Gladstone, and members across Queensland, who work with their local communities, A member of a Passport Club can be anywhere in Australia or in fact globally. Our members are not just retirees, many are Professionals and business people who have busy work and family lives and family commitments.

So, if this sounds like something that interests you and you would like more information please contact Bill Peacock on 0403 686 998


The benefits of a passport club include:

• Flexibility — Having different options for getting involved
• accommodates members’ busy schedules, allowing them more choices for fitting Rotary into their lives.
• Engaging meetings — Meetings can focus on service and socialising rather than speakers and meals. By visiting other clubs’ meetings, members can learn what other clubs are doing and bring new ideas to their club.
• Broad appeal — A passport club often appeals to people who would not join a more traditional club and helps keep people who might otherwise leave Rotary.
• More connections — Members quickly build relationships across the district and beyond.
• Stronger service projects — Connecting with members of other clubs presents opportunities for clubs to partner on service projects to create greater impact.
• Affordability — Costs are kept to a minimum because meetings don’t include meals.