Busy Fingers – December 4, 2020


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As Christmas is fast approaching, I would like to remind everyone that we will be closing on Thursday 24th December at NOON and reopening Monday 4th January 2021 at 8.30am. Deliveries will continue up until approximately 11am on the 24th, so if you wish to have anything delivered on Christmas Eve you must come early, so there is sufficient time for delivery. Otherwise you will have to take it with you or wait until we open on the 4th January. The shop will continue having daily bargains over the next 4 weeks so come in and check them out, they are written on our blackboard as you come in the door and on our Facebook site.

The gates will remain closed during this period, so please do not leave donations on the footpath as this is council land and fines can be issued. It is also unsafe for mobility scooters and pedestrians if the footpath is blocked, we do not want them going onto the road to get passed, also boxes could contain items that risk the safety of children. Our cameras will still be recording over the closure period and can be used by council or police if an incident occurs.

As I mentioned last month, we are currently going to Beachmere for pick ups and deliveries, we are now doing it once a week. We must stress that items to be picked up must be RESALEABLE, in other words, in good condition and clean, our drivers are under strict instructions not to pick up items that cannot be sold on.

I am pleased to advise we have been able to help several clubs and associations over the last month, as usual we continue to assist the Island VMR, Hospice, and Global Care monthly. We also assisted the B I Global Care with repairs to their refrigerated truck, installation of electrical requirements in the studio of of the BI Potters and we have also advised the BI Art Centre to replace their 20 year old carpeting in the Matthew Flinders Gallery. Bombora Outriggers needed assistance in obtaining equipment and maintenance needs for their canoes and the BI Bridge Club needed repairs to their air-conditioning. The RSL Golf Club asked for assistance in obtaining some new shirts for their members, and the Croquet Club will be receiving some Hand Sanitizers and a Stand to assist them in keeping their members safe while playing. We have also informed the BI Police that we will supply another 2 automatic defibrillators for emergencies and an ATV to assist in beach and national park patrols.

Thank You to all our donators, shoppers, volunteers and staff without your support we would not be able to continue supporting the Bribie Island community.

We are in desperate need of ladies on Saturday mornings, so if you have a few hours spare please give us a call 3408 1014 or pop into the shop, we are registered with Centrelink for Job Seeker requirements.

OUR TRADESMEN As this is the last article for the year, I would like to thank the island businesses that have continued to assist us throughout the years, when we need urgent help these men are always on hand for us and we thank them sincerely for continually looking after us. Ron – RJB Electrical, Scott – Scott Baden Plumbing, Jordan – Ezy PC Sales, Lee – Bribie Locksmiths, Wayne – Bribie Airconditioning and Refrigeration, Ian – The Ink Shop, Rodney – Islands Signs and also Greg Hately (0409636736) our new cabinet maker who has done wonders with our new counter and other issues dealing with COVID regulations.

This year has been very demanding not only for us but also the many businesses on the island and the whole of Australia. We closed for 2 months to protect our staff, volunteers and our many customers while managing to continue our monthly obligations to VMR, Bribie Hospice and BI Global Care. To continue supporting the island we rely heavily on our wonderful volunteers and dedicated staff, we sincerely thank them all for their hard work throughout the year and we wish them a very happy and safe Festive Season with their family and friends and we hope to see them all again in the New Year. Thank You one and all.

I would also like to say a personal thank you to our committee, manager Sonia and her staff for their support and hard work throughout the year. Thank you to all our supporters, volunteers and customers, and a special thank you to the Bribie Islander for their continued support throughout the year. I hope to see you all in the shop next year safe and well.