By The Bribie Islander Gloss Magazine

Charity - Bribie Island - BUSY FINGERS

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Tags: Busy Fingers Second hand Store. Bribie Island. Charity. Pre owned.


As most residents would be aware there were numerous complaints from people about the items deposited outside our gates after Christmas. We would like to advise that we advertised our closure over a 3 month period including in the Busy Fingers article in the October, November and December issues of this paper and we also posted signs in the shop itself. Many of our residents knew we were closed and kept their donations until we re-opened and we thank them sincerely for their cooperation and patience.

Our break was from Monday 24th December for 2 weeks re-opening on Monday 7th January and in all our advisements we asked people not to leave any donations during this period. We advised that we would arrange to pick up any items that you had as soon as we returned if you were unable to bring them down yourselves after Monday 7th January. The volunteers who donate so much of their time in making this a successful fundraising organisation deserve a well-earned break at the end of the year.

Our staff also require a break after the full on month of December which is always hectic, surely noone objects to that. Since erecting the fence around the property, which you may recall was forced upon us by the continual acts of theft and the many occasions of rubbish dumping which were causing unaccounted for expenses, money that would have been used for the benefit of the island. We have closed the gates over all Public Holidays and afterhours, we do have a lovely volunteer who opens the gates for 2 hours on Sunday mornings for anyone who needs to donate goods over the weekend, but the gates are always closed otherwise.

Some of the excellent condition items left over the Christmas break were either stolen or ruined due to the rain especially mattresses, cushions and pillows. But there were also bags of household rubbish dumped there, which was very disappointing, these bags were opened by our volunteers, this is not a pleasant job. During the first week we had to arrange for numerous industrial green bins to be emptied and the council sent a truck to assist us for which we sincerely thank them. We thank the volunteers and staff for all their hard work in dealing with this issue during their first week back.


PLEASE BE ADVISED that the footpath outside our gates is the responsibility of the Moreton Bay Regional Council, and leaving items on the footpath is classified as illegal dumping and on the spot fines can apply. Both the council and Busy Fingers do not want this to occur so please refrain from leaving items once the gates are closed, once again, it appears we will be forced to purchase and erect more signs!


The shop is continuing to have sales on different items which will be advertised daily on the blackboard as you enter the shop. We currently have plenty of furniture, kitchen items, books and a wide variety of clothing so please check out the bargains when you are visiting the shop.


Please be aware that our speed limit in the car park is 5 kph, the last few days have seen near misses with cars and our volunteers working in the shed. It is very dangerous when customers are not driving slowly with due care and attention, so we are arranging another speed bump – a further expense.


If you are a member of an island club or association and require assistance please let us know. We try to assist all non for profit associations and sporting clubs, we also assist the Police, SES, VMR and the BI Hospice.

Our President Karen is quite happy to come along to your club and present our aims and goals and how your club can apply for assistance. Please call 3410 1920 or email [email protected] if you wish to have a presentation or if you wish to apply for a grant of assistance. A big thank you to Mavis Howard who has supplied us with many lucky dip bags for the children over Christmas and the school holidays, these are always a great attraction. Thank you also to the Bribie Islander for our advertisement and this article which will appear in every second glossy magazine throughout the year. Hope to see you in the shop soon. Sandra.

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