MEET the Volunteers – KAY KOINA

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander

Artists. Art groups and clubs Bribie Island. Artwork

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As the second in this series of articles about the wonderful volunteers who give their time to keep the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre operating like a well-oiled machine, we meet someone who describes herself as a “Jack of All Trades” where art is concerned. Kay Koina first became acquainted with the Arts Centre after moving here from Brisbane three years ago and offered her services as a volunteer when she joined the Contemporary Arts Practices Group.

Kay explained that she has been interested in art from when she was in kindy. ‘Rather than getting my face stuck in the sandpit, I preferred to stay inside at the art table,’ said Kay. ‘I used to get all the butcher’s paper and crayons and draw. My mum encouraged me a bit and I used to send my drawings into the Courier Mail, winning about two shillings,’ she recalled. In what seems to be a normal situation in people’s lives, Kay lost touch with her creative side as she concentrated with her life and she said that it was only when she moved to the Atherton Tablelands that her interest returned. ‘I became interested in wood carving and the area had an abundance of timber for that,’ Kay told me. ‘I mainly worked with Camphor Laurel but occasionally I used one of the other types of beautiful timber that is found there,’ she added.

Whilst Kay now enjoys painting with watercolours and acrylics as well as oils, she has also developed a passion for printmaking and she remarked that she is especially keen on the processes involved in cyanotype and linotype. She is a member of the U3A Printmakers and also the Art Tarts and her works are often found among the pieces that are featured in exhibitions by these groups. As a volunteer, Kay’s main areas of responsibility are as one of those who man and the reception desk and she is also a member of the display that arranges the works within the Mathew Flinders Gallery and other parts of the centre. The Bribie Island Community Arts Centre is a venue for many activities and as such, is regarded as one of the focal points within the community.

The Mathew Flinders Gallery consistently features exhibitions of some really beautiful works and along with the centre gift shop, there is also an area which offers s large range of handmade craft items for sale. The centre is on Sunderland Drive in Banksia Beach and is open each day except Monday from 10 am. Anyone who would like more information about what the Arts Centre has to offer or about becoming a volunteer is welcome to visit the centre or make a call to 3408 9288.

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