The Storries Amongst Us – Cultivating Change


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Originating in Cronulla, NSW where his grandfather was the first beach inspector, Dennis Chiron has forged a life built on positively cultivating the livelihoods of others.

With an arsenal of education to his name, this selfconfessed extrovert has little time for small talk, only time for “real talk”. He is a big softie at heart who loves to help people in need and is driven to make a difference.

So who is this man? A natural athlete, playing rugby league and rugby union from seven to 47 years of age.

As a youngster Dennis joined the merchant navy to see the world, while simultaneously studying Psychology and Business by distance learning through Deakin University. His first role as a civilian was in introduction of and subsequent building of the business and brand PixiFoto throughout Australia. His success in creating a well-known brand led him to being headhunted for a CEO role with The Lorna Hodgkinson Sunshine Home in Sydney (now known as Unisson Disability), an organization built to support intellectually disabled to lead meaningful lives. Following this engagement he became the Regional Manager for House with No Steps, assisting children and adults with various disabilities to have access to employment, better living arrangements and recreational activities.

Without realizing it, it seemed his need to help people also led to a talent for building businesses. In 1985 Dennis started the first comprehensive Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) in Australia, followed by the first Small Business Incubator (SBI) in 1986. Leading the pathway for 150 BEC’s and 70 SBI’s throughout Australia and New Zealand.

He consulted to the Federal Government in Local Employment and Economic Development Initiatives prior to taking the helm for 22 years at Caboolture Business Enterprise Centre. Following his resignation he went onto assisting organisations to establish Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) and most recently, the Owner and CEO of Brisbane Career College until he sold it in 2014. Being fortunate to meet some outstanding people throughout his life, Dennis would have to say the standout was Bob Hawke.

He had an incredibly strong presence, a charisma that very few people possess, an astounding depth of knowledge and an indisputable love of Australia.

The most awesome, exhilarating, and frightening adventure thus far in his life, Dennis mentions jumping out of a plane & skydiving for his 60th birthday. All was well until the plane reached 10,000 ft when the hatch opened and he was met with the roar of the wind and looking down at a very small Bribie Island below him, he freaked and asked if he could change his mind! Nonetheless, he followed through with it and has since done another jump following the euphoria and landing safely.

This man is many things including a genuine life saver, having saved the life of the next door neighbors’ 14 month old daughter who had stopped breathing and had turned blue. Her parents were overcome with panic and unable to administer any assistance until they ran next door and called for Dennis to help. He successfully revived their daughter and to this day Dennis says this is one of his proudest moments.

Bribie Island has played a large part in Dennis and his wife’s life for many years with a small intermission when they returned to his roots and built a property on their dream block of land in Woolgoolga NSW. Unfortunately, despite the incredible views, age got in the way of the stairs in their 3 storey home.

Finally, if he could change anything in this world it would be advocating for zero population growth (ZPG) to give the world, Mother Nature and the environment a chance to recover