The Caboolture Region Environmental Education Centre


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I f you’re wanting a great day out, the Caboolture region environmental education centre (creek) is well worth a visit.

The main building feels very friendly and accessible. There are educational displays and lots of children’s activities. We were there on a Wednesday and it was very gratifying to see so many people going for a walk, young parents having coffee near the playgrounds and a yoga class in progress in the open-air pavilion. Our primary focus was the native plant nursery. The volunteers there were very knowledgeable and helpful.

We were given a list of plants that would be suitable for Bribie Island (coastal heath species) and what plants they had in stock. At $2 each for the smaller plants, we were able to buy a good array of native plants. The nursery is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7am. -3pm. Enquiries:38889285.

The CREEC website gives a good overview of the facilities. It struck us how wonderful it would be if, as a community, we developed a similar education and activity facility here! Here is a list of the coastal heath plants in stock at CREEC: Acacia cincinnata Acacia hubbardiana Austromyrtus dulcis Banksia aemula Boronia keysii Gahnia Sieberi Goodenia rotundiforia Hakea actites Hibbertia vestita Hovea acutifolia Leptospernum liversidgeii Leptospernum speciosum Philotheca queenslandica.