Tags: Movie reviews. Angel Has Fallen. Action Movies.
First, there was “Olympus Has Fallen.” Next, we had “London Has Fallen.” Now, we have “Angel Has Fallen.” Although a trilogy, you don’t need that background to ride this film’s action wave. Morgan Freeman, this time around, plays the US President, Allan Trumbull. Gerard Butler returns as Mike Bannon, a vital and highly skilled member of Trumbull’s Secret Service Team deeply committed to the safety and well-being of the President.
This time around, however, we see the personal cost Bannon has had to pay to maintain that commitment. Interestingly, in preparing for this role, Butler spent time with ex-Navy Seals to accurately portray the heavy emotional and physical toll involved in service. The film opens as Bannon is under siege from what appears to be enemy fire. We quickly learn, however, that this is a training exercise offered by a past associate, Wade Jennings, played by Danny Huston.
Bannon is impressed with what Jennings has to offer. The film then moves in a new direction when an assassination attempt is made on the President. Compelling evidence points to Bannon as the orchestrator of the assault. The follow-on action is nonstop as Bannon sets out to clear his name; find those responsible and protect the President. To his surprise, he picks up an unlikely ally along the way – his estranged father, played by Nick Nolte.
Although the film tries to interject social issues along the way, in its essence this is an action film. Enjoy the ride as Bannon survive blasts, attacks and gunshot wounds. Will there be another chapter in the life of Secret Service Agent Bannon? Stay seated after the credits begin to roll and judge for yourself.