Make the sizzle swap this Australia Day barbeque

By The Bribie Islander

australia day barbeque

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The Australia Day Barbeque is an Aussie classic, and while it might be a tradition to indulge, the food you pop on the grill doesn’t have to put you at risk. Here are five fast tips to a healthier Australia Day barbeque.

1. Swap processed meats for lean cuts Opt for leaner meat options by grilling up a few kebabs, skinless chicken, or a few lean mince patties.

2. Swap salts and sauces for herbs and spices Try swapping tomato and barbeque sauce bottles from the table so your guests can taste the extra flavour from healthier herbs and spices. You can lower your kilojoule intake by swapping out these sugar-laden sauces for chopped up chives or spring onions or spreading on some avocado or hummus to wholemeal bread.

3. Swap your side of fries for a serve of veggies Increase the amount of colour on your barbeque by grilling some vegetables or serve your meat with a fresh summer salad. Grilled veggies make for a great flavour addition to your meal and are easy to pop in between your meat for a balanced kebab.

4. Swap red meat for fresh fish Cancer Council recommends Queenslanders limit their red meat consumption to a weekly intake of 455g (cooked weight), and with a few days of feasting on the calendar, this could easily be overtaken. Swap some of the red meat options out for a fresh serving of fish to balance it out. Stocked full of protein, zinc, and iodine, vitamins, and omega 3, fish is a nutritious option for your Australia Day barbeque.

5. Swap your deli spread for a veggie and dip platter Instead of chewing on a sliver of salami, switch to a platter of sliced veggies and dips such as hummus or guacamole. More information about Cancer Council Queensland and healthy living is available at

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