Tags: Poems. Rhymes. Riddles
An Essential Tool
Everybody needs one: this fabulous device.
If I could get one somewhere, I’d be finished in a trice,
But no matter how I try, I can’t find one anywhere.
They no longer seem to make them – it really isn’t fair.
I could use one in the kitchen where the dirty dishes pile,
And also in the office with lots of bills to file.
I would like one in the laundry where the ironing isn’t done,
Or to help me finish painting – which I used to think was fun!
If I had one in the garden to rid the lawn of weeds,
I wouldn’t need to spray them to stop them shedding seeds.
And in the storage cupboard, there’d be lots of empty space
To put the extra items that are gathering a-pace.
My husband said he’d found some down upon the beach:
He brought them home and hung them up – just beyond my reach.
So now I have a good excuse, if asked by him to “do it!”.
Whate’er the job, I just can-t reach to get a “round too-it”!
By Hazel King
As the crystal blue and green waves crush upon it’s sandy shores,
It brings with it a calming peace that simply can’t be ignored,
The natural wonder that seems to be so close,
Sure is visited on the weekends by most.
But to be bitter with the guests who come from far and wide,
Seems so petty, selfish, and honestly a waste of your time.
“Years ago the beach permit was for a year you had to be a resident to receive one my dear”,
This is irrelevant, pointless, and just so we’re clear, it’s always been a public beach my friend!
And after all without the benefit of those who pay,
This national park couldn’t be protected anyway.
Tracey Williams