1,400 people on the transplant waiting list in Australia

By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander

Transplant waiting list. Organ and tissue donations. Australia. Queensland. Health. Bribie Island

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Tags: Transplant waiting list. Organ and tissue donations. Australia. Queensland. Health. Bribie Island


Recent statistics indicate that there are at least 1,400 people on the transplant waiting list in Australia with approximately half of those being children and, whilst from 2009 until 2017 the number of registered donors has increased by over one hundred percent, the need for organ and tissue donors is also increasing.

There are many misconceptions about organ and tissue donation and one of those is the concern about whether doctors will work as hard to save someone’s life if they know that the person is a registered donor. Doctors are committed to doing everything possible to save a life and donation is not even considered until someone is officially declared ass being brain dead by two independent medical professionals.

Another common concern relates to the issue of being too old. This is not normally a concern and in the past, people who are eighty years of age have been donors. An important step when deciding on becoming a donor is talking about it with family. Even if a person is a registered donor, the family must give their consent before any procedure can take place.

More about these and other details regarding the decision to become an organ and tissue donor can be found at www.donatelife.gov.au and www.donorregister.gov.au is where registration can be made. Each year, The Organ and Tissue Authority, a division within the Australian Government runs Donate Life Week and this is a key part of the Australian Government’s national reform program.

This is aimed at increasing organ and tissue donations and during that week, events are held across the country in an effort to encourage more Australians to register. This year, Donate Life Week is from Sunday, July 29th until Sunday, August 5th and more information can be obtained by visiting any Department of Human Services Centre or by making a call to 1800 777 203.

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