By The Bribie Islander Magazine

bribie island pelicans perches bridge deterrants

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Pelican perches to be installed on Bribie Island Bridge 

Five pelican roosting platforms will be installed on the Bribie Island Bridge following community feedback.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said Bribie Island residents had shown how much they love the island’s pelicans, and the new solution would ensure the pelicans could continue to roost on the bridge without damaging the lights.

Featured image(above): Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey (right) with pro-Pelican local residents at this morning‘s announcement

“After residents told me concerns earlier this year, I asked the department to look at solutions. I’m pleased that crews will now install dedicated roosting platforms for the pelicans on the bridge so residents and visitors can continue to enjoy their presence as they drive along the bridge,” Mr. Bailey said.

“Unfortunately, road crews were constantly replacing lights on the bridge that were damaged by waste from the pelicans sitting on top of them.

“It often meant workers replacing the lights also needed to partially close traffic lanes, which was often costly and inconvenient for locals.

The five new perch platforms will repurpose the bridge’s old lights and sit over the water, opposite the new LED lights and will be installed next month, weather permitting.

“It’s great that we’ve been able to come up with a solution that means the birds can continue to roost on the bridge while retaining the energy efficient LED lights that are providing better, safer lighting and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.”

Next articleGloss Magazine Bribie Islander 13th Edition June 21 2019 Issue 90
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