This month’s meeting of Bribie Masonic Lodge was A Christmas in July function at which sitting Master Ron Leth took the opportunity of presenting several acknowledgments. The widow of the lodge founding master Mrs. Eunice Dossell was given a memorial presentation case of her husband Keith’s Masonic decorations.
The case having been made by long-term member David Burey himself the recipient of an award marking his retirement from 14 years as volunteer bus driver for the Masonic homes for the aged and infirm at Sandgate. Worshipful Master Ron Leth also presented a cheque for $500. to the girls doing the catering for the night, the Masonic “Daughter” organisation “Job’s Daughters” to help with their forthcoming trip to America furthering their excellent charitable work. All in all, a very pleasant night characterised by much hilarity mirth and good companionship.
Pumistone Passage Probus Club had a jolly time for their Christmas in July. Funny hats, seasonal clothes, and the traditional Christmas lunch. Up in Montville, it felt suitably chilly but the view from Secrets on the Lake was beautiful. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings meant everyone enjoyed themselves. There was only one downside !! That being the Santa didn’t show up however we had it on good authority that he was working overtime with the elves to make sure everyone has a great time with lots of presents in December.
At the Bellara Neighbourhood Watch meeting in July, Superintendent Brady awarded three members with Neighbourhood Watch awards. Lee Martin and Rod Noakes received the Bronze Award for more than three years of volunteering and newsletter delivering for Neighbourhood Watch and Vonnie Barraclough received the Gold award for more than 13 years of volunteering as newsletter deliverer as well as being treasurer for the community group.
Brenda Allardyce, Bernie Murray and Pam Murray were also awarded the Bronze award but were unable to make the ceremony. Councillor Brook Savige, Simone Wilson MP and Police Inspector Jeffries also congratulated the recipients on their awards. After the awards ceremony, the Bellara NHW AGM was held and the following people were appointed to the committee. Area Coordinator- Stacey Olson Secretary – Lynne Mellers Treasurer- Sue Huismann
Superintendent Brady, Stacey Olson, Lee Martin, Vonnie Barraclough, Rod Noakes, Simone Wilson MP and The beautiful case that was made by Councillor Brooke Savige.
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