By Neil Wilson - Sub Editor for the Bribie Islander

Rotary club Queensland. Bribie Island

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tags: Rotary club Queensland. Bribie Island

By Barry Clark – Bribie Rotary- Publicity/Public Relations

Over 1.2 million Rotarians around the world live by the motto “Service Above Self” as they carry out Humanitarian projects to support and serve the local and International community. Bribie Island Rotary Club recently celebrated 30 years of Service in our Community raising over $60,000 each year for a wide range of Projects. This article will showcase just a few of these Bribie Rotary activities.

The Global reach of Rotary International has been going for 113 years, since its formation in 1905. People throughout the world recognise the distinctive logo Wheel of Rotary, but their amazing achievements are not widely understood. Perhaps Rotary’s most recognised project is the Elimination of Polio in the world.

Millions of children receive vaccination drops for Polio

This started back in 1985 when the whole world of Rotary pledged a gift to the Children of the World to eliminate this crippling disease forever. Globally Rotary has helped vaccinate 2.5 BILLION CHILDREN throughout the world, preventing 16 million new cases and deaths. When Rotary started there were over 350,000 cases of Polio each year in 125 countries. This year there have been just 8 new cases of Polio in just three countries. Eradication has almost been achieved, and it will be a great day for Rotary, their supporters and Partners when that is eventually announced.

Rotary club Queensland. Bribie IslandRotary club Queensland. Bribie Island

Rotary sponsor Bribie students to represent various countries at Annual Model United Nations Forum in Canberra(left) and Rotary and Earlyact Club members at Rotary Park reopening(right)

WORLDWIDE the focus of Rotary encompass some of the world’s most critical needs.

• Disease prevention & treatment

• Water & Sanitation -Maternal & child health

• Education & Literacy -Peace & conflict resolution. From the comfort of Bribie Island, we sometimes need to be reminded of others in the world less fortunate.

• 1 in 10 people worldwide lack access to clean water

• Every 20 seconds a child dies because of poor sanitation

• More than 800 women die every day due to birth related complications.

• 59 million primary age children do not go to school -750 million adults are illiterate, and 67% of them are women.

• 1 in 9 people worldwide do not have enough to eat. These are just numbers on a page, quick to read, and easily forgotten………. but each one is about real people like you and I out there in the world. Read them again and appreciate just how fortunate we are to live here. Bribie Rotary also fund and support many humanitarian Project in this region including;

• Containers of donated goods sent to PNG & Solomon Islands

• Cervical Cancer vaccination for 28,000 young girls in PNG – “Teacher in a Box” computers for remote schools in PNG

• “Bisley Farm” special farm school for aboriginal boys & girls BRIBIE COMMUNITY Bribie Island Rotary Club support and contribute to the local community in many different ways which include;

• Heritage signs, plaques and brochures for Bongaree and Rotary Park Woorim.

• Support Dementia Awareness, Mental Health, Bribie Hospice and needy residents.

• Sponsor Youth Leadership Awards, Model United Nations, Youth Science Forum.

• Sponsor and Council International Peace Scholars at University of Queensland.

• Supporting School Interact & Earlyact Club projects and students hearing Tests.

• Hosting annual Youth Exchange students to/from many countries around the world. -Support Dragons Abreast, School Chaplaincy, Naval cadets and Life Savers.

• Pride of Workmanship recognition and Awards for local business and Schools.

Bribie Rotary enjoys wonderful recognition and support from our local community for the fundraising events conducted throughout the year which include: Monthly Markets, Raffles, Sausage sizzles, Annual Race Day, Trivia Quiz nights, Movie Premiere events and International Women’s Day events.

Rotary club Queensland. Bribie Island

Each year Bribie Rotary sends and hosts Exchange Students from all over the world

If you would like to be involved or offer support and ideas to Bribie Island Rotary you can contact us on [email protected] or phone the Secretary on 3410 7912.


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