The reward earned from a busy working life, welllived, is to enjoy retirement and a different pace of life. Better health care has led to longer life expectancy and the chance for a more active lifestyle in our older years.
Many people plan a relocation, sea change or quieter lifestyle as they get older. Some move closer to their children and family. Many retirees downsize their home and move to retirement villages and gated communities. But what are we to do with all this age we have accumulated?
A move to Bribie Island offers opportunities to spend more time enjoying our leisure activities and seek new interests and friendships. Many retirees focus some energy on bettering the community through volunteering. Bribie Island has one of the highest percentages of seniors, and possibly one of the highest percentages of volunteers of any postcode in Australia.
As we age, we may find those past conversations around the water cooler are traded for discussions about a knee replacement. The “catch of the day” might be an infection rather than a good size bream, and one’s “handicap” is not only relevant to the golf course. High on the list of conversation topics is how far away the nearest hospital is located. Perhaps it did not seem that far away when we first moved here.
In retirement, we have many more opportunities to pursue our interests, but there might be challenges to our ability to maintain the interests that ensure our wellbeing. One of the greatest challenges some face in their retirement is the higher level of care needed by a loved one. As we take care of the daily needs of our partner or parent, it may drain the joy out of life for both carer and their loved one. It is imperative not to let that happen.