RSL Event, Local resident shaves for fundraiser

rotary queensland fundraiser bribie island

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Tags: RSL. Fundraising. Bribie Island. Rotary Queensland


In late May, Bellara resident Doug Philp will undergo surgery that requires him to be completely free of any hair on his head and, as one does when told about something such as this, I asked him what the operation was for and his reply was, ‘They are going to see if I have a brain.’

Featured Image(above): Doug Philp will look different without that hair

Now I’m sure that this is not the reason but there is one thing for sure, no matter what they find in Doug’s head, no one can dispute the fact that he has a very big heart. In times gone by, Doug has been the manager of an organisation which was involved in supporting those in need is therefore aware of the growing number of people in every community who find themselves without a home and need help.

With this in mind, Doug has made the decision to use the necessity of having to lose his hair and beard as a fundraising event to help with the support of the homeless within our local community. ‘People become homeless for many reasons that include domestic violence, bank foreclosure and of course, unemployment,’ said Doug.

‘With the issue of domestic violence, statistics have shown that in as much as ninety percent of cases, it is verbal abuse that is the main factor,’ he added. Having been a resident of our island for almost eighteen months, Doug is aware of the support that is desperately needed for our homeless sector and knows that the Bribie Island and District Neighbourhood Centre plays a very integral role in providing that support.

He has therefore decided that whatever funds are raised at his cut and shave event which is to be held at the Bribie RSL on 5th May at 1 pm in the Sports Bar will be donated to the centre. Doug also knows that, despite there being some organisations that participate in fundraising and claim some of the monies raised as expenses, Rotary is a charity which ensures that all the funds go to the intended recipient so he has enlisted the help of the Rotary Club of Bribie Island to make sure that his fundraiser is successful.

There are several ways that donations can be made including to the Rotary Club of Bribie Island bank account which is at Bank of Queensland, BSB 124390, account 20314486 or the Go Fund Me page that is Also, collection tins are located at various businesses on the island and of course, donations will be welcomed on the day.

Come along to the Bribie RSL at 1 pm on May 5th and support Doug in his efforts to help a very worthy cause.

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