Fur Seal spotted at Woorim

By Timothy Allsworth


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Tags: Woorim. Fur Seal. Bribie Island. Brisbane. Queensland

Sal Rawson captured this video in Woorim

“Video we took was at the 4×4 beach today around 1 pm at Woorin there were a few people watching him. He was having fun swimming and playing even in the video looks like he was waving to us all. So cute and beautiful to see a seal on Bribie Island. Love living here.”



Look who we saw today at surf side

Posted by Sal Rawson on Sunday, July 8, 2018

Fur Seals and Sea Lions are a protected species in Australia and also call most of the southern half of Australia home.  Thier diet consists of teleost fish, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, sharks (including Port Jackson sharks), rock lobster, other small crustaceans, and penguins.

They can be friendly if they are used to humans.  Fur Seals have the ability to adopt sea pups and breed on over 50 islands in Western Australia and The southern waters of Australia.

They live near their birthplace and at the most, 300 km’s away from their birthplace. They mostly live on sandy beaches or smooth rocks and travel inland as far as 10 km in bad weather.

Please be careful when venturing out on your boat or jet skies and keep a lookout, you may be in for a treat, as they are playful at heart and friendly.  If you spot them or have any other stories send us an email at [email protected] or contact us.

Here is also a few pics a Bribie islander resident caught with a playful seal

And a video https://www.facebook.com/bribieisland/videos/10156523343569308/

For more information on Australian Sea lions and Seals visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_sea_lion


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