Tags: Fur Seal. Bongaree. Bribie Island. Queensland. Australia.
I had just started on my vita brits on Friday morning when I had a call from a friend to tell me that a baby Fur Seal was resting on the beach in front of our house at Bongaree. I left my breakfast and went straight over and sure enough sprawled comfortably on the sand was a very tired baby seal. It had been there for some time, discovered by a canoeist at about 6 am. It was a long way from home. Australia Zoo had been called and six people arrived from there shortly afterwards.
Featured Image(above): Fur Seal entering the water
They examined the seal from a distance of about 2 m and determined that it was old enough to feed itself and waited to see what the seal would do next. The baby Fur Seal didn’t seem to mind the presence of people and continued resting. At about 9 am the seal stood up and began to make its way to the water. It entered the water and swam away much to the joy of the sympathetic onlookers.
A Seal has also been spotted by several people at Woorim on the same Friday and over the weekend. I wonder if it is the same seal or if there is more than one seal frolicking in our waters. As numbers are increasing seals have been moving further north up the NSW coast. They are becoming more prevalent around the Sydney area and are regularly seen near Newcastle and as far north as Port Stevens. It would be interesting to know how this baby Fur Seal ended up on the sand at Bongaree.
Neil the seal hanging out on Bribie beach! Come on one of our Adventures & try to spot Neil yourself
Posted by G’day Adventure Tours on Thursday, July 26, 2018
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