Who has ever wanted to throw a pie into someone’s face? That person you’ve always had doubts about, a close relation, or indeed your very best friend? The idea of slapping a cream-filled pie into their face could be the ultimate surprise!
Well, under canopies, with an overcast sky, in our very own Bribie Island Hotel’s dappled gardens, overlooking the picturesque Pumicestone Passage, attendees at the Pies for Polio event celebrated World Polio Day on Saturday 24 October by holding a Rotary World’s Greatest Meal. The jacarandas were in full bloom making the setting quite spectacular
The range of pies and the presentation of the lunchtime feast was equal to any 5 Star Hotel. Thanks to Manger Chris Firth, Chef Wendy Jenner, Jye Adams, and all the wonderful staff at the Bribie Island Hotel, who all followed strict COVID policies, to serve us from the gourmet buffet.
There were beef, lamb and rosemary, egg and bacon, steak and pepper, shepherd’s, cheese and bacon, fish, apple, pecan, caramel and banana and lemon meringue pies. One lady commented morrock casino that it was the best shepherd’s pie she had ever tasted and another asked that her pie be cut into four slices because she couldn’t possibly eat eight!
Congratulations to the five brave souls, who took a pie in the face to help raise money for this worthy cause – Chris Firth, Fiona Gaske, Patch Roycroft, Peter Sheehan and my humble pie self. As Jonny Carson said ‘Pie throwing is kind of a lost art, and although it may be a rather rudimentary, burlesque humour, there’s something inherently funny about taking a pie in the face, under the right conditions.’ Laughter was the order of the day – especially when the pies were ‘thrown’.
A special thank you to Karin Kolenko, Graeme, Gold Coast Benji and Fenton for their ongoing support and contributing to this event.